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Anthony Powell Reviews – Scam or the Real Deal?

Anthony Powell, who first started his career in network marketing at the age of 19, now has achieved explosive growth in his success and leads companies in more than 35 different countries. Though his results did not come easily. In fact, he says the main quality behind his success was hard work. When he first got into the business, he wanted a better quality of life – he learned from his mentor, fell in love with network marketing, worked harder than everyone and eventually, he was able to start making more money than he ever had. Of course, it took time and dedication. But now, for entrepreneurs on the same path, he hopes to give out his knowledge and help them to succeed as well.

14 Day Champion Challenge

The Online Entrepreneur Academy was co-created by the multi-millionaire marketer Anthony Powell who has achieved phenomenal results throughout his career. Through the academy, the 14 Day Champion Challenge is the low-ticket entry point into a big-ticket training opportunity. What does this training opportunity include? Essentially, it’s a great way for entrepreneurs who are not sure what they want to find their path and succeed in it. It’s based on a proprietary proven model that allows you to discover in bite-size chunks exactly what would be the best way to achieve the results you want. By the end of the challenge, you’ll know which entrepreneurial success tier is the best fit for you and even receive a 12-month custom plan on how to create the life you want and how to achieve success in your chosen field.

About the Challenge

The challenge, though it’s more like a curriculum, breaks down entrepreneurial success tiers into affiliate marketing, online network marketing, e-commerce, and social media. Now, all of those marketing types work, but if you’re not sure which one is best for you – then the course was designed for people like you specifically. The course includes proven entrepreneurial strategies (including a roadmap created by industry experts), virtual live training, powerful community of entrepreneurs and knowledge received directly from industry leaders (such as Anthony). What makes this so different from other entrepreneurial courses is that you’re essentially learning from experts, not theorists, who have already done it and are now sharing proven strategies and step by step methods.

The Transformation

If you want to discover if online entrepreneurship is right for you, then you should take the challenge. Essentially, you’re investing in yourself and in your transformation. That might sound risky but at the end of the day, this is what entrepreneurship is all about. The ultimate key to happiness is our ability to create the life we want to live. And to do that, we need to be focused, committed and work harder than everybody else. Only then will you be able to achieve success and the results you want. If that sounds like you, then you have no reason not to take the course and start mapping out your vision.

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