Trump Thought The Investigation Was Going To Paralyze Him Domestically And Abroad
Information from the Mueller Report reveals President Donald Trump worried the Mueller investigation would paralyze him domestically and abroad.
Evidence reveals that Trump worried the investigation would end his presidency because he thought the investigation would paralyze him worldwide. When told by Sessions that a Special Counsel had been appointed, Trump reportedly “slumped back in his char.”
“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked,’” Trump said.
Trump wanted Comey to announce that Trump was not under investigation in order to navigate this, and in meetings with Comey referred several times to Comey’s “loyalty,” according to the report, released Thursday morning after Attorney General William Barr’s press conference. Barr reiterated that special counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence that Trump or any members of his campaign colluded with the Russian government to impact the 2016 election.
“The President told Comey that the ‘cloud’ of ‘this Russia business’ was making it difficult to run the country,” the report says. “The President told Sessions and McGahn that foreign leaders had expressed sympathy to him for being under investigation and that the perception he was under investigation was hurting his ability to address foreign relations issues .”
Other evidence suggests that Trump was afraid that the investigation would negatively impact his campaign as well.
“The day after learning about the FBI’s interview of Flynn, the President had a one-on-one dinner with Comey, against the advice of senior aides, and told Comey he needed Comey’s ‘loyalty,’” the report reads. “When the President later asked Comey for a second time to make public that he was not under investigation, he brought up loyalty again, saying ‘Because I have been very loyal to you, very loyal, we had that thing, you know.’”
Trump allegedly was “furious” after Sessions recused himself from the investigation and told advisors that he wanted an Attorney General who would protect him the way that Trump believes Robert Kennedy and Eric Holder to protect the presidents they served.
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