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Eric Swalwell Talked About Gun Control In Front Of The NRA. Here’s How It Went

Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell, a 2020 hopeful, reiterated his gun control agenda in front of the National Rifle Association’s headquarters Monday, and the organization hit back by mocking the event’s turnout.

Swalwell covered key points of his plan, which include an assault-style gun “buyback” program, where owners are forced to turn in their weapons, keep them in third-party gun storage or face jail time. The crowd reportedly had fewer than 20 people.

“There is nothing that we propose here today that is at odds with what this organization claims they stand for,” Swalwell said during the rally, Politico reported, pointing to the NRA building behind him.

“We happen to believe that we can do more to take the most dangerous weapons out of the hands of the most dangerous people.”

The NRA, opposed to Swalwell‘s gun policy proposals, mocked the event shortly afterward in a tweet:

Other elements of Swalwell’s gun agenda include eliminating legal liability protections for gun manufacturers, enhancing gun licensing procedures, and implementing universal background checks, according to Politico.

Swalwell also supports establishing a federal firearms database and wants to pass “red flag” gun confiscation laws to prevent people with mental health issues from having guns.

He estimated his gun “buyback” program could cost $15 billion in a May op-ed article in USA Today.

Politico’s latest 2020 Democratic primary polling, updated Monday, has Swalwell at 0% among 22 candidates. “Someone else” polls at 2%.

Swalwell did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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  1. Swalwell has as much of a chance of being POTUS as
    I do!! Give it up and save what little dignity you still have.

  2. Swalwell is a complete moron. He’ll have a tough time gettin’ all those guns.

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