Jay Sekulow: Trump Won’t Block Mueller From Testifying
Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow said Wednesday that the White House does not have a legal team in place to prepare for potential impeachment proceedings, and that President Trump has no plans to block former special counsel Robert Mueller from testifying to Congress next month.
In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Sekulow shot down the possibility that Trump will try to prevent Mueller from testifying, either directly or through Attorney General William Barr.
“No, there’s no legal moves that are being made here. Bob Mueller will testify, and I’m sure he’ll stick to what is in his report. I don’t expect there’s going to be a new revelation here, that certainly would be inappropriate,” Sekulow said.
On Tuesday, the House Judiciary and House Intelligence Committees subpoenaed Mueller to testify on July 17 about his report on the Russia investigation. Mueller said at a May 29 press conference that he considered his 448-page report of the probe to be his testimony, and that he had no plans to appear before Congress.
Sekulow also indicated that the White House is confident that Democrats will not try to impeach Trump.
“We have no impeachment preparation team in place,” he told Tapper.
Sekulow said that though one-third of House Democrats have said they support impeachment, he doubts that Democrats in conservative districts will back the measure.
“I’m not in a political prognosticator, but I think it would be a political mistake. Legally it would be ridiculous. Politically, I think it would be very dangerous,” he said.
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