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Poll: 59% Of Americans Oppose Providing Health Insurance To Illegal Immigrants

Nearly 60 percent of Americans oppose making government-provided health insurance available to illegal immigrants, according to a CNN poll released on Monday.

“Do you think health insurance coverage provided by the government should or should not be available to undocumented immigrants living in the United States?” reads a question in the poll, which was conducted by the polling firm SRSS on behalf of CNN between June 28 and June 30.

Of the 1,613 respondents, 59 percent said they oppose making government health insurance programs available to illegal immigrants. Thirty-eight percent supported it, while three percent expressed no opinion.

The question matches one asked in last Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate. In the debate, all 10 Democrats raised their hands when asked whether they support making government-directed health insurance available to illegal immigrants.

“A lot of you have been talking about government health care plans you proposed in one form or another. This is a show of hands question and hold them up so people can see. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants,” debate moderator Savannah Guthrie said.

Candidates like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders would include illegal immigrants in a Medicare for All plan, which would replace private health insurance with a single-payer system.

South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg defended his support for granting illegal immigrants access to health insurance, saying that “we do ourselves no favors by having 11 million undocumented people in our country be unable to access health care.”

“But, of course, the real problem is we shouldn’t have 11 million undocumented people with no pathway to citizenship,” he added.

Despite the unanimity at last week’s debate, a sizable portion of Democratic voters say they oppose providing illegal immigrants access to government health insurance plans.

Sixty-six percent of Democrats in the CNN poll supported access, while 31 percent opposed the idea.

Thirty-four percent of independents and 10 percent of Republicans support access for illegal immigrants, while 63 percent and 88 percent oppose it, respectively.

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  1. RE: 59% Of Americans Oppose Providing Health Insurance To Illegal Immigrants
    41% have IQs below 70.
    No wonder SAT scores and IQ scores are in the tank
    make that
    in the toilet.

  2. Illegals GET care, I know, I’ve worked for doctors offices in Florida and they GOT CARE, I worked on ambulances in NYC and they GOT care, I’ve worked in Pennsylvania and they GOT care.. WE delivered babies, took out bullets, sewed up after knife stabbings, helped with dialysis for bad kidneys, did open heart surgery after heart attacks, all paid for by you and me….so we are already paying have been for as long as I have been practicing some form of medicine be I an EMT, Paramedic, OB/GYN Tech, Cardiac tech, etc.
    There is somthing called “The Patient Bill of Rights” next time you are in ther ER or any doctor’s office-read it, it states you have a “Right to speedy, efficient care, whether you have the ability to pay or not” , and that has been there for as long as I have been working in the medical field!

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