Trump Did Not Invite Twitter And Facebook To A Meeting On Big Tech’s Alleged Conservative Bias
President Donald Trump did not invite Facebook or Twitter to an upcoming social media summit in Washington, D.C., addressing big tech’s alleged conservative bias, CNN reported Sunday.
Trump’s summit, scheduled for July 11, is mostly an opportunity for major conservative groups and pundits to vent their frustrations with Silicon Valley, the report notes, citing anonymous sources. Many conservatives and Republicans believe social media companies are suppressing their content.
The White House refused to provide a comment to Daily Caller News Foundation.
Conservative groups Media Research Center and The Heritage Foundation are among those who are attending, according to representatives with both groups. Brent Bozell, the co-founder of Media Research Center, previously asked the Department of Justice to investigate Facebook, Google and Twitter.
“I applaud the DOJ for heeding our call. Online giants Google, Facebook and Twitter wield unprecedented power to shape public opinion and even directly influence elections,” Bozell said in June following reports the DOJ is considering ways to open antitrust probes against Google.
House Democrats also opened up investigations the same month into big tech platforms. All of this comes as Trump continues criticizes Facebook, telling his Twitter followers in March that he’s looking into accusations of big tech censorship.
The president also discussed with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in April why his Twitter followers are supposedly dwindling.
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Sergay Brin, Google founder, is a Russian, born in Soviet Moscow to high level Soviet parents.
He has a thick Russian accent, loves Crooked Hillary, and is meddling in the 2020 election as we speak.
There’s the real Russian collusion, under our noses every single day, as we “GOOGLE” things.
Nobody ever mentions this.