
How To Heal America’s Festering Wound

 I can’t imagine how anyone in America today can’t see what is going on, can’t see what is happening to their freedom. Sadly, too many people don’t want to see what is happening, but ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. Not only will the problem not go away, it will fester and get worse like a wound that doesn’t get washed, medicated, and bandaged.

The festering wound that too many people don’t want to see is the government, both political parties. This wound has been left by We the People to fester and get infected for far too long. It is time we began treating the wound. I have a plan laid out later in this article.

I just read about another government plan to “protect us”. Janet Napolitano is calling for a plan to control mass migration of “immigrants”.

The administration spins this plan as a national security measure, and uses the Presidential Policy Directive on National Preparedness for their justification. Napolitano and her enablers, in both parties, are being “humane”, thinking about those “poor Mexicans” who have it so tough in Mexico. Our government can’t take care of what they have now, can they? We have to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid to survive now, yet the regime wants to add to the list? And in the name of “caring for those poor immigrants” they let American citizens do without, and threaten to make them do with less, all in the name of being “humane”.

This plan is another nail in the coffin of freedom yet I continually hear people dismiss these nails with, “it can’t happen here”, “it won’t happen here”, “I don’t think we really have much to worry about, the government cares about us”.  Anyone want to buy a bridge in NYC?

The festering wound I refer to is the tyranny being implemented now and planned for the future by the government, and the apathy of all too many citizens. The washing needed here is prayer; the disinfectant needed is knowledge of the real issues. The medication is letting elected officials know we are watching and we are knowledgeable. The wound dressing is voting almost all of those in Congress out of Congress. More on this later.

Having humanity and compassion as character traits is admirable. I may not sound “humane” or “compassionate” in some of my viewpoints, but I am actually more humane and compassionate than the liberals. I want everyone in this nation to prosper, to climb the economic ladder, not wallow in poverty and hopelessness. I desire to see a nation where anyone can succeed if they have the desire and the drive to succeed. I want to take care of those who truly can’t take care of themselves, physically or mentally, and I am totally in favor of helping those who just need a hand up. This isn’t what we are seeing today. We are seeing the systemic destruction of our nation, our lives, and our freedoms. We are seeing the government take more control of our society. We are seeing people subjugated because they feel “entitled” to the possessions of others and are being pandered to by both political parties. This isn‘t about fairness, it is about control.

Now back to my earlier medical reference. The “festering wound” is what has been done in the past, what is being done now, and what is “planned for” in this plan for mass movement of people, among other tyrannical moves by the federal government. They speak of “immigration” but is that their actual concern? Couldn’t that mass migration be any person or any group of people? What is to stop them from “migrating” non-Hispanic people to another area and turning the southwestern portion of the United States into another province of Mexico? Hitler started with Jews, then progressed to Gypsies, Homosexuals, and any non-Aryan person. Hitler murdered 11 million people in the name of “compassion”. The Israeli government, under appeasers they call “moderates”, have removed settlers from areas and turned those areas over to Muslims. The result seems to be that those areas are now missile launching pads, but what the heck, “fairness” was implemented.

Although there is denial from some politicians, Sections 1031 and 1032 of the National Defense Administration Act (SB 1867/HR 1540) seem to be aimed at American citizens, not aliens. We now have legislation that appears to allow the military to arrest any citizen, without just cause, without charges, without warrants, and hold them indefinitely inside or outside the United States.
Indefinitely means “until the war on terror is over”.  And when will that fine day occur? They are also actively planning an “internet kill switch” to give a China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. type of government control of the internet. I wrote about this a little over a year ago when Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn) introduced legislation for this purpose, “for national security reasons”. Last month we had the test of the National Emergency Alert System that gave government agencies complete control of all radio and television broadcast signals. We now know that it is possible for the Goebbels Commission (FCC) to seize control of all broadcast signals at one time. Isn’t that encouraging to freedom loving people?

The FEMA camps that people have laughed at or denied are now being brought into a usable state. The “conspiracy theory” that I wrote about over a year ago is now fact. The government is looking to companies like Halliburton to staff these camps. Remember Halliburton in Iraq? The government has solicited bids for personnel to staff the camps. Have you seen pictures of these camps? If not, you should. They are eerily similar to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. I suspect that these camps aren’t only for illegal immigrants. I could go on for days about what is being done by government, by both political parties, but if you don’t see the light now or still deny the facts then that would be wasted time and space.

Now, what to do about the festering wound. The first thing we need to do is wash the wound. We need to look at the damage and see what needs to be done. To see the damage clearly and to acknowledge the extent of that damage is the first step. We wash the wound with clear vision by asking God to open our eyes to truth, the truth of God and the truth of our situation. We need wisdom to properly treat the wound. We get the wisdom of how to treat the wound through prayer. Every religion I know of prays. What or who they pray to is not the issue here, so don’t get lost in dogma. I am a Christian so I pray to the God of Abraham, through Jesus Christ.

I pray for the vision of a clear heart and a clear mind to see the truth and to see the issues as they truly are. I pray that I will have the Wisdom of Solomon to work in the proper manner to solve the problems I see, the courage of David to actually deal with the problems, and the compassion and the practicality of Jesus in dealing with the problems. Jesus wasn’t all compassion, He had a practical side also. I pray for protection for my country, my family, my friends, and myself.

The next step is to take the vision and wisdom received through the prayers and treat the wound. We use the vision and wisdom to learn about what the government is doing in the name of these wonderful “utopian” plans to take care of everyone in the world. Study some recent history. Take a good look at the 20th Century. Look at where other nations have gone and how they got there. Use your vision and wisdom to find out exactly what is being done that you aren’t being told about or what has been done that you have ignored in the past.

We treat the wound by first washing and assessing damage, then disinfecting it. We disinfect the wound by learning what the Constitution says, what our founding fathers did, how they set this nation up. We disinfect the wound by learning what legislation is being passed, how the wording affects citizens, and what bureaucratic regulations are being created to implement said legislation. We don’t just listen to what politicians and bureaucrats say in sound bites, we look at what they are doing behind the talking points and rosy analogies, and look at what they are doing behind closed doors.

We disinfect the wound by keeping in contact with elected officials and let them know we are watching, what we expect of them, and what the results will be if they choose to ignore us. We use the antiseptic of our involvement to remove the infection that has been festering for much too long. Again wisdom comes into play as we need the wisdom to know how to go about said disinfection.

We can all disinfect at all levels of government, in various capacities. School board, City, and County elections have abysmal voter turnouts and we wonder why they don’t seem to care what we think. You can disinfect the government by keeping in contact with all levels of elected officials.

Let them know where you stand and that you will vote them out if they don’t represent you properly. Write, call, fax, or e-mail Congress members, and other elected officials at all levels, often. Let them know you are here and you vote.

Cleaning and disinfecting the wound doesn’t accomplish much if that is all we do. Next we must medicate and bandage the wound by standing up and volunteering to serve our communities. At the local level get involved by running for school board seats, city councils, county government, etc. Some can get more involved at the state level. Run for office if you can at any level of government. So far we still have government Of the People, By the People, and For the People. It is up to us to keep it that way.

Help heal the festering wound that is infecting America. Use prayer to gain the vision and the wisdom to know what the damage is, and the courage to do what is necessary to treat the wound. Be the medicine and dressing on the wound you just cleaned up and disinfected. Be a part of the healing of your nation, of the future of your children and grandchildren.

We can do this but it needs to be done as a team. The Medical-A Team is God, assisted by We the People. Just as doctors and nurses work together to heal bodily wounds and infections; We the People can work together, Under God, to heal our political wounds and infections.

First we look to God, we plead our case, and we ask for His forgiveness and mercy (2 Chronicles 7:14). Then we follow His wisdom, and act through that wisdom with courage to make the changes needed to survive as a free nation. This is the answer to our future, are you willing?

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
December 19, 2011

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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