My Mountain Biking Restart – At 50
I got into mountain biking when I was in my 20’s, just before I got married. I had the bike, upgraded the bike, traded up to a better bike, upgraded that bike… etc. Then, I got married, my career took off and I had kids – mountain biking became a distant memory.
Now. the kids are teenagers, I write for a living and I badly wanted (and likely needed) to do something outside and active again – enter: mountain biking. I wasn’t sure how deeply I would dive into the MTB world or which flavor of off-road biking I would do. When I was younger, the downhill stuff was fun, but I’m ancient now – just ask my kids.
First, I bought an affordable trail bike – the Cannondale Catalyst 3. It was priced at a point ($400) where I could afford to make mistakes and learn how bike technology had advanced over almost 30 years. Then I put a training plan together and set some goals.

My goals include running a cross country race in 2019 and taking a podium, in my class, in 2020. My training program includes 5 trail rides per week, calisthenics, core work and weight room time every week.
Next, I cataloged the equipment I had, what upgrades I wanted and took notes on the original and upgraded gear.
During this adventure, I’ll write about my rides, share some of them and talk about the original and upgraded gear I try. I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
See all my Mountain Bike Posts HERE.
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