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Mad Hatter Frederica Wilson Plays the Race Card

Staying true to form whenever a black Democrat is the recipient of even the slightest bit of criticism, Representative Frederica Wilson has whipped out the race card.

The flamboyant cowboy hat wearing Floridian may have gotten more than she bargained for when she tried to elevate her national profile by participating in a smear campaign against President Trump over a phone call to the grieving widow of a veteran killed in Niger.

Wilson went from being a “rock star” to a persecuted victim in a matter of hours after White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly knocked that sparkly hat right off of her goofy-assed head with a blistering condemnation of her politicizing the death of an American soldier and his grief-stricken family.


Today, the hydra has reconfigured itself into a search and destroy mission to impugn the integrity of Kelly himself who will now join the endless list of white supremacists and Nazis that has been made for anyone who dares to support the POTUS.

Kelly’s comment that Wilson was an “empty barrel” is now being spun as dog whistle racism.

Via the Washington Free Beacon “Frederica Wilson Calls John Kelly’s ‘Empty Barrel’ Comment Racist”:

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D., Fla.) called a description from White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, in which he compared the representative’s behavior to that of an “empty barrel,” as racist on Friday.

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota asked Wilson about Kelly’s comments regarding her criticisms of President Donald Trump and his phone call with the widow of a fallen soldier.

Wilson said she had heard Kelly’s comments during a White House press briefing on Thursday and said much of what he said was a lie.

“He can’t just go on tv and lie on me,” Wilson said.

Camerota referenced Kelly’s criticism that “empty barrels make the most noise” and Wilson interrupted the host to claim the comment was racist.

“Okay, that’s a racist term too. I’m thinking about that one,” Wilson said. “We looked it up in the dictionary because I had never heard of an empty barrel and I don’t like to be dragged into something like that.”

Wilson did not explain how the phrase “empty barrels make the most noise” is racist. The idiom is in fact used to question the (empty) thought behind a person’s words (noise). Simply as a fact of physics, a barrel or vessel will produce the most noise when empty and disturbed.

Democrat propaganda organ MSNBC quickly picked up on the “Kelly is a Racist” meme:



It’s definitely General Kelly’s turn in the barrel but it only serves to underscore just how much contempt that Wilson has for military veterans when they can’t be used as political pawns.

This could backfire badly for the Democrats, Wilson could even dethrone her Congressional Black Caucus cohort Maxine Waters as the queen of moonbattery and become the new face of the party.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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