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Michelle Malkin’s fighting for our nation’s sovereignty but she can’t do it alone

It is a sad reality that the concept of standing up for your country’s sovereignty has now become a controversial viewpoint within the conservative movement. No one knows this better than perhaps Michelle Malkin. Malkin has been a sovereignty fighter for America and her adopted home state of Colorado for years, and her tenacity for such is only getting stronger.

This multi-faceted America first patriot is a best-selling conservative author, investigative journalist, entrepreneur, and syndicated columnist. In her latest book Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?, Malkin delves into the shocking reality of the many individuals and institutions that are actively contributing to the dissolving of America’s sovereignty.

It is rare to find someone in the realm of politics who practices what they preach. Malkin does not just profit off her books about immigration and then call it a day. She has been spearheading “Stand With ICE” rallies across the country as part of her book tour.

The very first #StandWithICE rally she championed occurred in Aurora ICE detention facility in Colorado. In July, abolish ice thugs, and Antifa agitators stormed the detention facility, took down the American flag, tried to burn it, and then replaced it with a Mexican flag. A defaced Blue Lives Matter flag was also hoisted up the flag pole.

On Labor Day, Malkin urged fellow Colorado patriots to join her to raise the American flag, stand with our ICE agents, and send a message that we will fight against immigration invasion.

Malkin has come under staggering scrutiny from so-called conservatives who are upset with her immigration stance. Keep in mind, her pull no punches attitude towards mass legal and illegal immigration has remained consistent throughout her decades-long career.

So why is it now that self-proclaimed right-leaners are taking aim at her immigration position? It is because ordinary grassroots Americans are waking up to the realities that Malkin has been preaching about for years. It is people like you and me who pose the greatest threat to undermining open borders propagandists, and Malkin’s long sought after truth-telling is finally getting the recognition it deserves.

Recently Malkin wrote an article calling out Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk over his globalist rhetoric that he touts as mainstream conservatism. During a speech at a university campus, Kirk told the audience that he believes green cards should be stapled to the backs of diplomas. While he called this position “logical sense,” Malkin called it out for what it really is: “stupid and suicidal.”

“If you are going to be dispatched as a Conservative leader, crusading for America First, perhaps you should have thought for more than one minute about the policies that you’re espousing,” Malkin stated.

Her calling out Kirk’s ignorance when it comes to immigration policy has continued to send Twitter into a hoopla. Even though Kirk has walked back his green card behind diplomas stance, after much scrutiny mind you, Malkin has taken a beating by some on the Right. She has been lambasted by top Republicans organizations and individuals labeling her a white supremacist who is an anti-Semite and hates all immigrants.

Just for the record, she has brown skin, is married to a Jewish man, and her parents are legal immigrants from the Philippines. Worst white supremacist ever.

Kirk has now made it a common theme to label any conservative who opposes him as a white nationalist/supremacist. I am an American-first free-thinking millennial. No, Charlie Kirk, that does not automatically categorize me as a white nationalist. That makes me, like Malkin, someone who believes that the United States’ sovereignty is worth preserving and fighting for.

She is a threat to the swamp establishment because she speaks the truth. One of the main themes of her newest book is follow the money and find the truth, which Malkin does just that. She does not skip any details or sources and names a staggering number of open borders contributors ranging from George Soros, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and the Catholic Church, to name just a few.

Colorado is a sanctuary state and it is the place Malkin and I both call home. We currently have 15 sanctuary cities and counties in the Centennial State that includes: Arapahoe County, Aurora, Boulder County, Denver, Denver County, Garfield County, Grand County, Jefferson County, Larimer County, Mesa County, Pitkin County, Pueblo County, Routt County, San Miguel County, and Weld County.

If we do not significantly reduce the flow of illegal and, yes legal immigrants, into our country, as conservatives, we will have nothing left to conserve. The majority of legal immigrants vote Democrat and our vetting process is nothing but laughable at this point.

While the Trump Administration has made great strides in attempting to gain control of our immigration fiasco, they have continuously been stifled by both open border agitators in Washington, which consists of both Democrats and Republicans.

Mass amnesty programs continue to wreak havoc to appease identity politic pushers. The number of green card holders, DACA recipients, and F-1 foreign student visa holders that are being granted will ultimately banish any possibility of American conservatism continuing.

“It’s not hateful to protect our borders. It’s not hateful to protect our citizens. It’s not hateful to protect our values,” Michelle once stated in obvious truth.

I implore you, join Malkin in this fight not only for truth and justice but for the sheer survival of our nation.

Amalia White

Amalia is a millennial on a mission. She is a passionate free speech supporter and wants to produce articles that make people evaluate what they believe and why they believe it. https://patriotsofthelord.com/author/amaliawhite/ Twitter: @AmaliaWhite Blog: amaliawhite.com

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