Starting at a young age Tom Stiglich fell in love with cartooning. This lifelong endeavor has landed Stiglich in the most prominent papers such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, TIME Magazine and more.
Soft Ball Harris get another round of no requirement to respond questions, she has become a National Joke, so pre-scripted, so predictable in responses it’s like talking to an empty chair, she should be called “rerun Harris” How many times has she said ” grew up in a middle class neighborhood”? Then goes on to avoid the asked question, is she crazy? or stupid? or just maybe she is an empty chair? with no response of her own on serious subject matters. This is the best the democrats have to offer, a person without thought process just like Biden. Her protagonist assumed position to carry on the Biden legacy of lies character, has left her without a voice, she can’t tell which lies are now hers, or Bidens, so better no to respond to any question. This is not the kind of person who could or would make decisions that would be of benefit to Americans maybe illegals. Unlike Biden this person should be given a drug test to test just how incompetent she really is, something is wrong, maybe a Doctor can address her condition to inadequately respond to questions.
Soft Ball Harris get another round of no requirement to respond questions, she has become a National Joke, so pre-scripted, so predictable in responses it’s like talking to an empty chair, she should be called “rerun Harris” How many times has she said ” grew up in a middle class neighborhood”? Then goes on to avoid the asked question, is she crazy? or stupid? or just maybe she is an empty chair? with no response of her own on serious subject matters. This is the best the democrats have to offer, a person without thought process just like Biden. Her protagonist assumed position to carry on the Biden legacy of lies character, has left her without a voice, she can’t tell which lies are now hers, or Bidens, so better no to respond to any question. This is not the kind of person who could or would make decisions that would be of benefit to Americans maybe illegals. Unlike Biden this person should be given a drug test to test just how incompetent she really is, something is wrong, maybe a Doctor can address her condition to inadequately respond to questions.