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Our freedoms are built on the sacrifices of our veterans – Remember and honor them always

Every day I wake up with abundant gratitude that I get to live in the greatest country in the world. Today, this thankfulness is spotlighted on the people who have made it possible for the American people to thrive in liberty.

Today on Veterans Day, we honor those who have served and fought to provide us with the freedoms we can easily take for granted. This honoring not only is reserved for our living veterans, but it extends to the brave men and women who would have been veterans had they not died while in service to our country.

Americans get to live in the greatest nation on earth, where we have the ability to enjoy bountiful freedom and succeed because of this. We get to experience free speech, freedom of the press, the ability to bear arms, the capacity to worship God, and so much more. These rights extend to us because of the people who valiantly fought to ensure our freedoms as American citizens.

President Trump became the first sitting president to attend the NYC Veterans Day Parade and gave a passionate speech directed at our veterans. In part, he said, “This nation is forever in your debt, and we thank you all. You are the reason our hearts swell with pride, our foes tremble with fear, and our nation thrives in freedom.”

The president took the time to applaud the American special forces that carried out the military raid that successfully lead to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi just a few weeks ago. He gave a warning to those who threatened the American people and declared that they don’t stand a chance against the great might of the American military.

Continuing with the theme of honor and respect, President Trump called those who have worn our nation’s uniforms, “the bravest, toughest, strongest, and most virtuous warriors to walk on Earth.”

Providing benefits and services to our veterans has been spoken and acted upon by Trump. Throughout his presidency, he has signed many bills that benefit veterans into law. One being the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing Veterans Act. This act creates a recognition program to award employers who contribute to veteran employment. While much more work is still needed to better our veterans’ quality of life, the Trump administration has made great strides in helping those who have served us.

This July, I had the privilege of hearing Brigitte Gabriel speak at the Western Conservative Summit. At the end of her speech, she gave a riveting salute to our veterans that I woke up thinking about on this Veterans Day. Gabriel gives the perspective of someone who was not born in America, but rather as someone who came to this country legally and recognized our veterans as being the backbone for which she was able to do so.

In her tribute to our veterans, she stated, “I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, as a legal immigrant who came to this country to be all that I can be as an American, you (veterans) made it possible for me to do that. I want to thank you for my freedom. I know that my freedom is built upon your shoulders and your sacrifices.”

I was lucky enough to be born in this country. Because of that, I have been able to experience freedoms that the rest of the world can only dream of. Gabriel is an example of someone who recognizes the gem that America is due to our military men and women’s sacrifices. As Americans, we get to experience privileges people in other countries would give anything for.

While we live in a society where top athletes, celebrities, and politicians have now made it a public show to disrespect the American flag and our national anthem. The American flag represents a multitude of things, one of that being remembrance. The symbol of our flag can declare: Thank you to our veterans. We will never forget your sacrifices. When we look to our flag, it should be an encouragement to embrace respect for the brave men and women who have perished in military service to our country.

On behalf of millions of Americans, we say thank you to our veterans. The treatment of our veterans could have a direct impact on the probability of the next generation’s willingness to serve our country. Our veterans have been there for us, so let us always be there for them.

Originally published at Patriots of the Lord. 

Amalia White

Amalia is a millennial on a mission. She is a passionate free speech supporter and wants to produce articles that make people evaluate what they believe and why they believe it. https://patriotsofthelord.com/author/amaliawhite/ Twitter: @AmaliaWhite Blog: amaliawhite.com

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