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Lamenting the Fall of Communism, Comrade Carville claims Trump the greatest threat to the Socialist Agenda, Endorses Bennet


The economy, stupid” democrat strategist, James Carville has recently been making the pundit rodeo rounds. Carville made his name in liberal circles with his performance as lead strategist for Bill Clinton’s 1992 Presidential Campaign. He has had stints on CNN and was co-host of Crossfire at one time, and has appeared as a political contributor on CNN and MSNBC. He has had a seat and a glass at the Clintonista’s cocktail/cheerleading party for decades.

Carville appeared on MSNBC,’ Hardball,’ with Chris Matthews to pass a Hail Mary for Candidate Michael Bennet, endorsing him for president in Democrat primary. The January endorsement is late in the game and Carville’s strategy may be more about picking up additional Senate seats for Democrats than a belief Bennet could win in a general election.


    Carville said, “I think that Trump and Trumpism is the greatest threat this country has faced since the fall of communism. And the only way to deal with it is to defeat it. If Michael Bennet is a Democratic nominee, you’re going to get 55 percent of the popular vote and pick up 55 Senate seats. It will be the end of Trumpism. Trumpism doesn’t have to just be defeated at the polls. It’s got to be decimated. It’s got to look like a beat — it’s got to look like Clemson looked like night. Beat and ready to quit. Michael Bennet is the best choice among any Democrat to accomplish that.”

Who is this candidate Carville hawks?

Bennet, 54 was born in New Delhi, India and after growing up in Washington D.C. now lives in and represents Colorado. His mother was a Holocaust survivor and his father, a ” Mayflower descendent “, served as U.S. Ambassador to India in the sixties. He is the third richest Democrat running for office, his wealth is estimated at 15 billion. The bulk of his wealth was made with Anschutz Corp., ironically a Republican family-owned corporation. Bennet began his political journey serving as chief of staff to Governor Hickenlooper (D) and then went on to become Superintendent of Denver Schools. How did Bennet become a U.S. Senator? An appointment that is how. When President Obama named Ken Salazar to be his interior secretary in 2009, Colorado governor Bill Ritter appointed Bennet to Salazar’s old seat in the U.S. Senate. He was reelected in 2016. He has not released his taxes to date. Michael Bennet is marketed as a moderate?

Where does the “Moderate ” candidate Carville endorses stand on the issues?

  • Proposes 44% income tax rate for wealthiest Americans and increase Capital Gains
  • Raise Federal Minimum wage to $12/ hour
  • Eliminate Electoral College
  • Ban Assault Weapons/Implement Universal Background Checks
  • Abortion on demand/Support Planned Parenthood funding
  • Empower and build on Obamacare (ACA)
  • Citizenship for Dreamers
  • Aggressive Climate Change Plan  /zero-emissions goal
  • The government program for college tuition and mandatory Pre-K and early development programs.
  • Abolish Death Penalty

Carville essentially bemoaned the collapse of the oppressive dictatorial regimes under the banner of Communism and compared this loss as worth fighting against like destroying Trump’s Presidency. A Freudian slip? RFSO thinks foreshadowing.

There was no real fall of Communism and Comrade Carville is fully aware of this fact. The exposed architecture of the U.S.S.R. brand of Communism merely morphed into Fabian Socialists and branched out tenacles from England and down under to the “good ole US. of A. ” The Democrat party’s platform and candidates are the threat to Capitalism and Freedom. Carville’s telegraphing is a clarion call that Communism is alive and well.

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