Editorial Cartoons

Biden’s Train Of Thought – Ben Garrison Cartoon

A One Way ticket to nowhere

Everyone knows Joe Biden is a gaffe machine and he’s getting worse. During an interview he stated that the COVID-19 cure “will make the problem worse, no matter what.” In other recent interviews he made fumbling replies. Even though he was thrown softball questions, Joe quickly became confused and incoherent.

Clearly Biden is not mentally fit to be president and everyone knows it. He stands no chance against President Trump this fall. Unless the Democrats are resigned to lose, they’ll need to somehow force Joe out in a brokered convention. Some are talking about Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, as Joe’s replacement. Others think it will be Hillary.

It’s now clear why Obama told Biden, “You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” 

Too bad Joe didn’t listen.

—Ben Garrison

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