Gun News

Self Defense: GA Woman Shoots Intruder

A young mother, working at home, shot and wounded an intruder who broke into her house today in Georgia.

The incident happened when a woman, working in her upstairs office, spotted a strange man outside her home. She grabbed her 9 year old twins and hid in a crawlspace as the man broke in to the house using a crowbar. The would be thief eventually opened the door where they were hiding but she was able to defend her family using a revolver and shooting the man five times. The woman then ran to a neighbor’s home with her children while the intruder attempted to flee in his car crashing into a wooded area.
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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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  1. I hope she is alright. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the woman that defended herself and her family.

    1. I can’t imagine the trauma for the children as well as the woman. Such a frightening situation.

  2. As soon as he opened that closet and saw witnesses, it would have turned far uglier if she did not have that gun. B and E of an occupied dwelling is a little more than petty crime. Thieves without weapons sneak into houses when they are empty, thieves with weapons knock on the door and ring the doorbell. She saved her and her childrens lives, no doubt!!!!!!!!

    1. As a side observation one of my friends noted that he had not seen any news of this story on the MSM. I wonder if it would have been different had the mother and children been killed?

  3. Just another example on how the jewish controlled national media is truly the #1 enemy of all normal Americans. They spend all their time demonizing gun owners and conducting mass shooting psy-ops with blatantly obvious fake witnesses and victims in the Aurora, Tuscon, and Sandy Hook shootings. People need to stop paying so much attention to the politicians and focus on the real traitors… the national news media.

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