Customs, Border and Immigration NewsSyndicated Posts

Walls Work: Border Patrol Agents Stop Meth Smuggling Attempt at Border Wall

CALEXICO, Calif. – El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents working near downtown Calexico arrested three individuals suspected of smuggling narcotics Wednesday afternoon.

The incident occurred at approximately 2 p.m., when agents observed a 40-year-old man and 43-year-old woman approached the U.S. / Mexico international border fence, approximately half a mile east of the Calexico West Port of Entry.  An agent observed a brown package passed to the man through the fence as the woman stood next to him.  The agent immediately approached the two individuals.  The two individuals ran away trying to abscond, ignoring the agents’ commands to stop.  A few minutes later, after a brief foot chase, agents were able to apprehend both individuals.  Agents then discovered seven individually plastic wrapped bundles inside the brown package.  The wrapped bundles contained a white crystal like substance inside.  Agents determined that the substance was consistent with the characteristics of methamphetamine.

During the arrest, agents noticed a car idling and parked in the direction where the two individuals were running.  Agents approached the vehicle and determined that the driver was connected to the woman and the alleged smuggling attempt.  Agents took the driver into custody and transported him and the other two individuals to the Calexico Border Patrol station for further processing.

The weight of the methamphetamine was approximately 3 pounds with an estimated street value of $5,700.

The man that accepted the package through the fence, a United States citizen and the narcotics were turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.  The other two individuals, both United States citizens were released.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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