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Long term Democrat Election Strategy: Create an Unserious Electorate

From snacking on nacho cheese Doritos to washing collard greens in the bathtub, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is revealing more about herself as a person, aiming to connect with voters on a more personal level.

Associated Press,  Sept. 9,2024

I look forward to using my new seasonings from Penzey’s Spices in Pittsburgh at our next Sunday family dinner.

Kamala Harris, Sept 9, 2024

I’m Jewish and Irish… I wish I was black, every white Jewish guy wishes he was black. … She’s a historic candidate.  It’s going to be the first woman president, and that’s incredibly exciting. She’s Indian, she’s Black, she’s everything. You can be more than one thing, it’s incredible. 

Actor Ben Stiller, Aug. 7, 2024

We’re so fired up, we can’t wait to … elect Kamala Harris the next president.

[I]t seems to me that at school and at home, somebody did a beautiful job of showing this young girl [Harris] how to challenge the people at the top and empower the people at the bottom.

NPR Report on Oprah Winfrey Speech to Democrat National Convention, Aug. 21, 2024

“We need Kamala Harris, the president of joy, to lead us,” said ex-President Bill Clinton.  Over and over, joy and happiness were the theme of cheerful celebrities and upbeat optimists who took the stage at the United Center in Chicago.

Intelligencer, Aug. 24, 2024

Don’t Underestimate Kamala Harris’ Good Vibes Only Campaign.

ime Magazine, Sept. 4, 2024

‘It’s our time’: … [M]any women say a female president is long overdue.

AP News, Aug, 21, 2024

Asian-Americans see Kamala Harris’ nomination as their time to shine

‘Having one of our own in the White House would mean the world,’ says NY State Senator John Liu. ‘It’s a dream come true for so many people, myself included’.

South China Morning Post, Aug. 22, 2024

50 days: Kamala Harris has yet to do formal press conference since emerging as Democratic nominee.

Foxnews, Sept 9, 2024

An interview it was not. … Harris shopped for months for a “moderator” that would make her look and sound competent and capable … However, even though CNN’s [Dana] Bash did her best imitation of a real journalist … Harris failed.  Bash got no coherent answers from Harris who has had weeks to prepare for this event, so Bash retreated to fluff questions … a colossal waste of time. 

Patricia McCarthyAmerican Thinker, Aug. 30, 2024

No, I don’t think [Kamala Harris] is abandoning her ideals [by saying she is now for a border wall, no longer opposes fracking or eliminating private health insurance, etc.], I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and [trying] to win the election.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, Mediaite, Sept. 8, 2024

Megyn Kelly reports that so many of her followers write to her that they simply do not understand “how we got” to the point where half the country can … vote for an extremist “know nothing” like Kamala Harris.

The answer is that the Democrat Party long ago abandoned the idea of winning elections by stating how they are going the solve the problems facing the United States and making the lives of the American people better.  The reason Democrats have abandoned this traditional responsibility of a serious political Party is that they have no interest in solving these problems, or any real idea how to do so.  In fact, the Democrat’s own future as a Party depends on not solving these problems but rather in creating new ones.   The Biden-Harris administration deliberately opened the borders to 10 or more million largely unknown foreigners, including criminals, rapists, murderers, drug traffickers and many needy largely unskilled people.  This wave of new people who have no particular allegiance to the United States will all have to be given food, dental and medical care, housing, and eventually jobs, thereby decreasing the resources and jobs available for native born Americans. Can’t we take care of our own people, of all races and genders, first?  The Democrats deliberately create these problems because they believe they can easily buy the votes of these new needy people, thereby ensuring their own security in money and power. 

For this reason, Harris has been in hiding since she was “coronated” as the 2024 Democrat presidential candidate by the Party bosses and has not put forward any attempt at a policy platform until the day before her presidential debate with Donald Trump.  Her webpage now states her alleged policies, divided into 4 sections: “Build an Opportunity Economy and Lower Costs for Families,” “Safeguard Our Fundamental Freedoms,” “Ensure Safety and Justice for All,” and “Keep America Safe, Secure and Prosperous.”  There are a few minor policies mentioned under these sections like “extending the $35 cap on insulin and expanding the Child Tax Credit to families with newborns.  However, most of what she lists as policies are not policies but a lot of “mush”,  mere platitudes, aspirations or even mere sentiments, with some leftism thrown in”, e.g., she has “an ambitious goal of 25 million new business applications by the end of her first term.” But that’s not a policy.  It’s a mere aspiration.  And who does not want to increase new business applications?  A policy proper would explain precisely how she is going to get this done but that is beyond her.

Instead of telling the American people precisely how she intends to improve their lives, Democrats now rely on shallow fluff talk about eating Doritos, spices, joy, “vibes”, endorsements by $500 million dollar actors or embarrassing virtue-signalling white guilt by know-nothing celebrities, and, of course, the usual identity-politics focus on skin colour and gender and “historic” candidates.   However, it would be historic to put Charles Manson in the White House but that is not a reason to do it, now is it?  One wants a candidate who is historic because he/she has these things called carefully thought out policies that will make people’s lives better.  Unfortunately, the Democrats have abandoned the idea that competence is essential for doing a job.  Since the Biden-Harris policies have deliberately done so much damage to the country, Harris is not even trying to make that argument.  She, therefore, dreads press conferences with real questions, even by her sympathetic allies in the “news” media, because she cannot answer them.  Socialist comrade Bernie Sanders even admits that Harris is disguising her real “progressive” values (deceiving the voters) to get elected.  Its all just a choreographed inauthentic acting performance now.

As GWU Law Professor Jonathan Turley, not exactly a right-wing wacko but actually a Democrat Obama and Hillary voter, points out, Harris’ protectors in what’s left of our “news” media have come up with some new Orwell-double speak to justify “criticiz[ing] people for covering how Harris is [flip-flopping] and refusing to offer details on [her] policies. … The last thing we need [apparently] is a substantive election at this precarious time.”  Whatever we do, we cannot allow people to tell the truth about Harris.  No wonder Turley says the Harris-Walz administration would be a “nightmare for free speech”.

The Democrat Party has abandoned the strategy to get elected by making the country better.  Their recent strategy has been to get elected by making the electorate worse (unserious) so that they don’t care about the country.

Dorito anyone?

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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