Flipping Colorado and Illinois: 2020 GOP Candidates/Races Spotlight Series – Part 2
Again, a warning that if you have an anxiety disorder, skip ahead to the candidate’s section-not even musing.
There are 128 days, 20 hours, 44 minutes, and 58 seconds as of this writing until Americans cast their ballots for 2020 elections. That is for all races, not just Presidential. Right Wire Report will be addressing why you should pull the lever for the incumbent President, Donald J. Trump, in a separate article forthcoming. But for now, the focus will be on key down-ticket races.
If President Trump wins re-election, his policy initiatives and legislative success are dependent on having a Republican-controlled Senate and House to support and advance them. And if the unthinkable happens, and he loses, a republican controlled Senate will be the only thing between the end of our Republic, rewriting our Bill of Rights, and the transformative new Socialist Parliamentary style government that will be ushered in.
The stakes are getting more acute with every 24 hours that pass in our country. In case you have not been attuned to the news of late, Tucker Carlson summarizes just how elevated we are all teetering at present:
While many may not live in the state or districts listed, donations and social media postings can enhance a candidate’s reach and victory potential. Please note Right Wire Report has no direct affiliation with any candidate listed. For Your consideration:
Colorado United States Senate
Incumbent Senator (R) Corey Gardner assumed office in 2015. This is a crucial seat to maintaining the GOP majority and Democrats believe the seat is vulnerable and are pouring money from outside the state as an attempt to flip. This is the Senator’s speech given in the well of The Senate on the Impeachment Vote:
Gardner is credited with getting more laws passed for Colorado than all other legislators from Colorado combined, including getting the new Space Force and getting the Bureau of Land Management headquarters moved to the state. Recently he scored a huge legislative victory with the passage of the bipartisan bill, Great American Outdoors Act in the Senate, which will preserve our National Parks and public lands and is expected to pass the House and become law. Watch the breathtaking video:
Every year, millions of Americans turn to National Parks sites, National Wildlife Refuges, & millions of acres of public lands for recreation or their livelihoods. Legislation from @SteveDaines & @SenCoryGardner will secure them for generations to come. pic.twitter.com/Eyqc0MXL4V
— Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) June 8, 2020
Donald Trump received 43.3% of the vote in 2016 but lost Colorado by a Democratic margin of victory of 4.9%. The Democrat primary is June 30th, and current polls show Former Gov. John Hickenlooper over progressive Andrew Romanoff in spite of recent violations ruling on ethic charges, Read here. Learn more about Gardner’s record read here, and to donate here. He also has an active Facebook page.
Colorado 3rd Congressional District
U.S. House Rep. Co.3rd District, (R) Incumbent Scott Tipton assumed office 2011. Tipton has a younger female GOP primary challenger named Lauren Boebert. The Colorado primary is June 30th. The President endorsed Tipton last December, and his son, Don Jr. Just recently cut this radio ad endorsement.
Congressman @ScottRTipton is a great supporter of the #MAGA Agenda! He fights for your #2A rights and the Border Wall. Scott is working hard for Colorado and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 20, 2019
Tipton won re-election in 2018 by 8 points. He has made a pledge to take on China, “The China Project” read more here. He also held a Telephone-Town Hall meeting on June 10th, 2020:
National Democratic groups have had an eye on the 3rd District for several years but have failed to recruit a prominent Democrat into the race. This year the Democrat runoff will be between Diana Mitsch Bush, who ran against Tipton and lost in 2018, and a younger non-career politician, James Iacino. The odds on favorite is Bush to win Democrat primary. Again, in general, outside funding is expected to pour in against Tipton or whichever Republican is on the ballot. Learn more about Tipton here and donate here.
Lauren Boebert (R) primary challenger has been accused of trying to out Trump, Trump. Her political ad is vicious and attacks Tipton as a squad sell- out, yes as in AOC and the squad, over his support for a farm bill. Read the Grand Junction Sentinal Op-Ed clarifying their support for Tipton’s vote on H.R. 5038, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. The local media and Colorado GOP accuse Boebert of playing loose with the facts, Tipton responds directly to the accusations here.
Learn more about Boebert here, and donate here.
Colorado 4th Congressional District
U.S. House Rep (R) Incumbent Ken Buck. The 4th is known as a pivot county as it went for Obama in 2008 and 2012, but Trump in 2016. Presently it is (R +13) red county. Watch to get a flavor of how Buck rolls:
Learn more about Buck here, and donate here.
This is where it gets interesting in Colorado House races.
Colorado 6th Congressional District
Steve House (R) is running for the U.S. House seat 6th district. House is the former chair of the Colorado Republican Party. House is attempting to flip the seat currently held by (D) Jason Crow.
Crow, an Aurora attorney, and Army Ranger veteran unseated five-term Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman in 2018 in Colorado’s only battleground district. He’s the first Democrat to represent the seat, which was created in 1982 and covers portions of Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas counties. Crow took center stage and got national attention in January when he served as one of seven House Democrats prosecuting the impeachment case against President Donald Trump. “It is vitally important to the citizens of CD6 that we elect a congressman who will represent our entire community, state, and country. In his freshman term, Jason Crow has proven that he is aligned only with the extreme fringe left and not the majority of Coloradans,” said House in a statement.
As election day gets closer if polling suggests Crow could lose, watch for outside groups to rush in with funding to get Crow over the hump. House, having deep pockets will be significant in this race.
Learn about House here, and donate here.
Colorado 7th Congressional District
Casper Stockham (R). This race has taken a wild turn. Stockham had been running against Crow in the 6th district race but stepped out and jumped into district 7th’s race recently. His switch was to make way for House’s chance to flip the Crow seat. Stockham has run for Congress twice and lost both outings will now face Democrat Ed Perlmutter seeking his eighth term and was yet to draw a GOP challenger until Stockham jumped in. “Ed Perlmutter has been a disaster for Colorado and for the citizens of CD7,” Stockham said. “Coloradans want and deserve real empowering solutions to skyrocketing healthcare costs, education choice, and securing our nation’s weak and dangerous borders, said Stockham.
Stockham is a U.S.A.F.Gulf War Veteran, who proudly claims he is” 100% unhyphenated American!”
Learn more about Stockham here, and donate here.
Illinois’s United States Senate
U.S. Senate: Mark Curran won the GOP Primary to run against an incumbent (D) Dick Durbin. Curran is an attorney and the only candidate of the five Republicans seeking the nomination who had previous experience in elected office. He was the Lake County Sheriff from 2006 – when he was elected as a Democrat before switching parties in 2008 – through 2018. Durbin has been in office since 1997. Mounting a long-shot challenge, Curran is seeking to pressure Durbin into debates, something Durbin has shockingly managed to avoid the last few elections. “He has neglected Illinois, and nobody has been able to land a punch,” Curran told The Associated Press. “But having been a career prosecutor and the longest-serving sheriff in Lake County, I know how to throw a punch. I’m credible.”
The No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, was first elected in 1996 and has handily won each election since then. He also has $4.5 million cash on hand. Fundraising will be a huge factor determining Curran’s reach to knock out this long term pillar, which has held a firm grasp on the Democrat governance of this state. A last-minute turn of events may boost Republican’s shot at this “its a given” seat. The Floyd riots and Defund the Police movement and backlash towards police may put Curran in a unique position, with his law enforcement background, to get the blue line (police) to the polls to vote Republican.
Learn more about Curran here, and donate here.
Illinois’s 13th Congressional District
U.S. House (R) Incumbent Rodney Davis. This is a seat Democrats feel they can flip so all hands on deck. Davis beat Democrat Betsy Dirksen Londrigan by less than 1% and will face her again in 2020. (CBS) – Davis won the central Illinois seat in 2012, beating Democrat David Gill by 0.3%, and saw a nearly 20-point win when Mr. Trump was on the ballot in 2016. The two are in a dead heat so far in fundraising, though Londrigan holds a slight edge with $1.6 million in the bank compared to Davis’ $1.5 million.
Here again, the recent riots and defund the police issues have offset Londrigan’s main line of attack, which is healthcare. Davis’s wife speaks to the voters directly in this ad about healthcare, which is highly effective.
Davis was one of the Congressmen who was at the Republican baseball practice field the day a crazed person opened fire injuring Rep. Steve Scalise and others.
Learn more about Davis here, and donate here.
Illinois’s 14th Congressional District
U.S. House (R) Jim Oberweis is running against incumbent Lauren Underwood who is seeking her second term. Underwood won her District by 5 points, but the Cook Political Report presently has IL-14 at a (+5, R). Oberweis has a real chance to flip this seat, so funding will matter. The 14th was typically a red district prior to the 2018 historical Democrat flip. Oberweis was elected State Senator in 2013 for the 25th District and is a successful entrepreneur. He also ran against Senator Dick Durbin in 2014 for the U.S. Senate and lost.
Learn more about Oberweis here, and donate here.
Illinois’s 6th Congressional District
U.S. House (R) Jeanne Ives will run against (D) incumbent Sean Casten seeking the second term and has more than $2 million in cash on hand. She is a former Republican member of the Illinois House of Representatives for the 42nd District, Army Veteran, West Point Graduate, and ran Governor in 2018 and was narrowly defeated.
Learn more about Ives here, and donate here.
Being an American means exercising your right to vote, and that right is a sovereign choice. It has often been touted that this particular Presidential race is the most consequential one of a lifetime. But 2020 is not just another race or cliché. This is the firewall, and only time will reveal if the bricks provided the foundation to a stronger Republic or merely delayed the inevitable.
There is no other choice at this juncture in our Empire but to vote AGAINST the concept of inevitable. And vote for those willing to sustain this experiment of liberty who are Pro-America candidates willing to fight and stem the red tide of socialism and the inevitable Marxist/Communist paradigm to manifest.
Look for the next installment in this series and ask yourself which side of history you will choose.
For the first installment (Part 1) of this series concerning Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Michigan – click here.