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What Do We Do About the Southern District of NY Now?

By Rudolph Guiliani

The Department of Justice’s, New York, Southern District Office is very dear to me.  I am destressed to see how that office has been used for political purposes over the past fifteen years. America derives its strength and success from the fact that we have one set of laws that are applied equally to every citizen, regardless of race, religion, economic standing or their political views. The Southern District of New has challenged that belief and its leadership must be changed to preserve our unbiased, rule of law. 

In 2009, Senator Chuck Schumer appointed his General Counsel, Preet Bharara to run the Southern District Office.  That was followed by another Senator Schumer associate, Geoffrey S. Berman.  Both of these gentlemen were more politician than prosecutor.  Since 2009, Senator Schumer has raised over one hundred and twenty-five million dollars selling a separate system of justice.  This system of justice is determined by how substantial a defendant’s campaign contributions are and not their criminal actions.  The DOJ has been for sale since Senator Schumer starting controlling who was appointed to run this organization.

No major (American) Wall Street firm or any of their Executives have been charged criminally between 2009 and 2020. This absence of prosecutions and regulatory enforcement has acted to fund Senator Schumer’s political ambitions.  The “payoffs” are used to fund Senator Schumer and his political ally’s reelection campaigns, assuring an on-going leadership position for the Senator.

Is it really possible that there was no criminal activity during the eight trillion-dollar mortgage bond crisis, the forty billion-dollar Detroit bankruptcy or the seventy billion-dollar Puerto Rico bankruptcy? That would defy reality and common sense.  What we have seen though is that those responsible are very same financial institutions that have flooded Senator Schumer’s Political Action Committees with tens of millions in campaign contributions.

In addition to this blatant illegal activity, the Senator is using the Southern District Office to pursue questionable and often, groundless, criminal cases, exhausting the District’s limited resources to accomplish disingenuous political goals.  The removal of Mr. Berman presents an opportunity for the Senate and the administration to right this sinking ship and return the Southern District to its proud tradition of protecting the American people.

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  1. June 24, 2020

    Subject: Your Putrid Polemics That Republicans Murdered Mr. Floyd Further Confirms That You Are Unfit for Office.

    To: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives,

    In my prior messages directly to you, I submitted specific information to support: that you are a serial liar; that you are a propagandist; that you repeatedly breach your oath of office; that you defraud the United States; that you launched an unconstitutional “formal impeachment inquiry” without requisite supportive facts; and, that you habitually make unfounded serious accusations against Republicans.

    You continued your malevolent conduct on June 23, 2020, by stating “‘So far [Republicans are] trying to get away with murder, actually. The murder of George Floyd,’ [Pelosi] said.” (Source: USA Today at https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/06/23/pelosi-gop-policing-bill-theyre-trying-get-away-murder/3246907001/)
    It is alleged that by your conduct you fan the flames of anarchy and knowingly “dog whistle” criminal rioters and anarchists to act out, much to the peril of Americans and America.

    Tell us how your words and actions comport with Catholicism which you espouse to faithfully follow. You appear to be a shameless liar before God and America.

    You are neither to be trusted nor believed. You deserve your ever-increasing credibility deficit. You are demonstrably despicable and a national disgrace.

    The sooner you are out of office, the better off America will be.


    John Lucas
    Buttonwillow, CA

    Cc: POTUS, Select Members of Congress, News media, et al.

    C:\Communications\Pelosi\20.0624_Pelosi Credibility.wpd

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