Nancy Pelosi, “Deems” Herself Minority Leader: We are Now Venezuela
Well, how wonderful of Ole’ Nan!!! How arrogant of Ole’ Nan!!! She announced that “by the will of the caucus”, by “ACCLAMATION of the caucus”, she will stay on as a reluctant but willing minority leader in the House of Representatives. She “deemed” herself Minority Leader. How NICE of her!! How Chavez of her!!! After the 2010 election she at least went through the appearance of a vote when Heath Schuler ran against her to give the “Blue Dog Democrats” cover. She doesn’t need the Blue Dogs any longer, nor do they feel the need to pretend to be with We the People, so she just tosses them by the wayside. Now she just “deems” herself perpetual ruler of the caucus. Steny Hoyer, you will never be anything more than Ole Nan’s footstool, lapdog, errand boy. Isn’t this how dictators behave? Don’t they just “deem” their agenda to be the “will of the governed”? The same Harry Reid who said just before the election that Romney’s agenda, should he win, was “DOA” in the Senate, now speaks of “bi-partisanship and cooperation”? How stupid does someone have to be to not see what is happening? Barack Obama now goes to the United Nations and offers the United States as subservient of their New World Order, and wants them to run the gun control treaty back by us. Obama also suddenly has a trip to Moscow scheduled. He now has “more flexibility”. No one can be blind any longer, NO ONE!!!
The dictatorship is in place, and what do we get from McConnell, Boehner, and the rest of the Republican Party??? They grovel at the feet of tyrants and blame the TEA Party, We the People, for their defeat. Back in 2010 the same TEA Party that was “THE” factor in the Republican landslide was dismissed as “a minor part” of the victory. Republicans won in spite of distancing themselves from the true patriots in this nation. The ever senile John McCain and his left wing buddy Lindsey Graham
now come out talking tough about “investigations” of Benghazi. Give me a break!!!! More posturing for the cameras, just as in the Fast and Furious hearings I assume?
Boehner and the rest of the establishment, including the inside-the-beltway “conservative media” Peggy Noonan, Bill Kristol, Karl (Marx) Rove, among others, grovel at the feet of these dictators. Instead of dismissing conservatives this time, Republicans and their media talking heads now blame the very people they claim to represent for the defeat of Republican liberalism. “Conservatives are the problem” is the excuse they use to explain a pathetic campaign by a pathetic candidate. Six million conservatives did not vote. I think that is the wrong approach but I understand why they did not vote for Romney.
I have been writing about this for almost 3 years and nothing has changed for the better. The Republican Party moves left as fast as the Democrat Party. McConnell and Boehner even groveled when they won in 2010, just not quite so blatantly. They sat around and whined that they only had “one half of one third of government” so they couldn’t really accomplish anything. Now they can’t do anything because Obama got reelected and they “must compromise”. How convenient!!!
The Republican establishment will never offer us another Reagan. They lost that one and have been working hard ever since to insure they can keep their “baby brother” status. They want to play golf and posture for the cameras without really doing anything.
Boehner now speaks of “tax reform”. Every time I hear a Republican talk of reforming taxes my taxes go up, and I do not belong to the wealthy class by a long stretch. They have no desire to fulfill the wishes of We the People, but rather their own personal power, prestige, and wealth. The current Republican Party and their supporting cast in the media are only interested in having a seat in the back of Obama’s Chavez Express. They want face time on television, people wanting to write books about them, and the prestige of being “the honorable” (I don’t address them that way) Senator/Congressman Hedgehog.
Romney was a more pathetic candidate than McCain and hired the very same consultants to run the very same campaign. The same “go along to get along” attitude that got us into this mess isn’t going to get us out of it. Not interested in any prime farm land south of New Orleans, thanks!!! Republicans have not yet realized that reaching across the aisle only results in a bloody stump coming back, and tax paying citizens getting the shaft. Or is it that they know but just don’t care because it doesn’t affect them in a negative fashion?
All of you “let’s give the Republicans another chance” folks might want to re-evaluate your position. Just as Chavez took control in Venezuela with a compliant “opposition party”, Obama is taking control of the United States with a compliant “opposition party” that really isn’t in opposition. The word complicit seems to fit the Republican Party more than the word opposition.
Vladimir Lenin, Adolph Hitler, Fidel Castro, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and Hugo Chavez didn’t do their despotism alone. All of them had cronies who helped, and in many cases
were labeled the “opposition” when they were truly complicit. As I have been saying for the last three years, we have a despotic political party and a party who is willing to surrender anything and everything as long as they are allowed at the trough with the despots.
We the People of the United States are merely pawns in a power play that will end in poverty and slavery for all but the wealthiest of Americans. The very poor who support the endless handouts will find out, as have others in the past, that they will never benefit from the policies that promise them everything yet delivers very little. The “very little” is about to run out and those who are the most dependent on government will be the ones who suffer the most. It happens in every dictatorship.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
November 17, 2012