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Watch: With Ballot Harvest, The Fix is IN!
Imagine a ballot being sent to a person regardless of eligibility, signed by someone else, picked up and delivered by a campaign operative, and still counted.
Democrats are trying to legalize ballot harvesting nationwide, and it’s why we are fighting to!
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Folks might think this is satire and could NEVER happen it USED to be so BUT that’s what LIEberal Demoshits want you to think so they can get away with as much fraud as possible-They cannot win honestly so they NEED to CHEAT!!!!
This is just the begining !!! NEVER has an election year been more important at ALL levels. It has become a Gladiator sport with Good vs Evil, FREEDOM VS DICTATORS ….you CHOOSE…
Fraud will be rampant with this ‘new, easier’ mail in ballots….WE MUST PERSONALLY GO TO THE POLLS IN LARGE NUMBERS TO WIN….and keep our values……if not, prepare to become a slave