White House Watch
WATCH: White House Reacts to Kavanaugh/Ford hearing
White House Spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said Thursday that Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony to the Senate Judicial Committee was “powerful, riveting and honest.”
“I think the president summed it up best when he talked about Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony. It was powerful and riveting and honest,” Kupec said while admitting that Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony had “a number of inconsistencies.”
It appears the Democrats defied the Law of “Gravity”. Imagine holding a pencil out between your thumb and index finger. Now imagine what happens when you open your thumb and forefinger. Is there any question to anyone what will happen?
But that is exactly what has happened this past several days; the Dems extended their flaming parade of LIES out over the public court of Truth by opening their mouths. The Laws of Truth are even MORE powerful than the law of gravity!
WHAT did they expect?
Regardless of whether Kavanaugh gets confirmed or not the Truth has been served! And I FULLY expect the promises of Proverbs 19:5 & 9 to be fully fulfilled!
EVERY human being has a witness of the Truth inside of them. It isn’t an option. You know right from wrong. The FIRST “sin” was humans telling themselves LIES in the “garden”, opening that door to the understanding of what is right and what is wrong… and the ability to choose between the two!