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President Trump Slams FBI for Failing to “Find the Leakers”

This morning’s Trump tweets feature the president berating the FBI for “being unable to stop the national security leakers.”

The two-part tweet puts on display President Trump’s dissatisfaction with the leaks that continue to undermine his administration.

The FBI is totally unable to stop the national security “leakers” that have permeated our government for a long time. They can’t even ind the leakers within the FBI itself. Classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on U.S. FIND NOW.

The out lash comes just a day after news reports on Thursday said that White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus reportedly contacted the FBI to have them dispute claims that Trump staffers were contacting Russian officials before the election.

At a press gaggle Friday afternoon, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked about the possibility that the leak came from within the FBI.

“I think that’s concerning, he said.

“This is troubling, when the FBI or anyone in the intelligence world or frankly anyone in government entrusted with classified intelligence information and national security information is sharing that information widely, yeah, that’s a big problem.”

Leaks have been prevalent during President Trump’s first month in office and a source of great irritation for the Commander-in-Chief.

Last month, a draft memo was leaked to newspapers who reported that the Trump administration was considering the use of upwards of 100,000 national guard troops to “round-up” illegal aliens. That report was quickly proven to be false as the memo had never even made it to the Secretary of DHS’ desk, much less the president.

Daily news reports feature “anonymous sources within the administration” claiming that the president’s senior staff is in disarray, chaos or some other cataclysmic state, but as Trump chief of staff Reince Priebus and senior Trump strategist Steve Bannon showed during a live interview at CPAC 2017 on Thursday – that is also not true.

This may spell trouble for embattled FBI Director James Comey. If the president is not pleased with your performance and you serve at the pleasure of the commander-in-chief – you may want to touch-up that resume.

*updated 02-24-17 5:24pm – added response to question on FBI leaks from afternoon press gaggle

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. “Leaks” have always existed….but seem to be approaching ‘deluge’ status since President Trump took office….Is it that too many people that are anti-Trump are willing to repeat them…or just maybe it’s the stale Obama leftovers still in the fridge????? National Security depends on ‘sticking a cork in it fast!!

    1. He had no problems with ‘leaks’ that help him.
      Did nobody mention to him, that getting elected , DOESN’T mean everyone is suddenly required to like and agree with him?
      The new general looks good but I don’t hold hopes for him , since he’s know for saying what is wrong regardless.
      National Security depends on him getting his arse into gear and start listening to ALL his advisers and checking information before giving it out.
      That way he won’t be handing out so much ammunition to use against him.

      1. Barbara, you make some interesting and valid points. I “think” I see where you’re coming from. Also it appears that you, like many of us, voted Trump to stop Hillary.

        It’s a safe bet that in becoming so successful in business he became accustomed to disagreements and some that just flat out did not ‘like’ him and he got the job done anyway. Like is an emotion and ability is an entirely different thing. He definitely has a way of speaking verging on crude. And he is very blunt (quite a change from the oratory skill of Obama) Many, to include me, appreciate his straight forward manner. I DO wish he’d give twitter a rest! Seems that is the ammo pouch for libs.

        Numerous people have applauded his listening skills even when they are of different opinions .

        But these are not the security leaks…the leaks are the letting of classified information or private conversation by or with those around him…and you’re positively right….it does endanger our National Security.

        I do hope that ‘your hope in him” improves as He is all we have and he must succeed.

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