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Erectile Dysfunction: what all men should know about this medical problem

Why it’s Not Your Fault, Things You Need to Know About Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra is a drug that is commonly available in any region and in any location around the world. Overall the pricing is around $15 per pill if you have to get it from a place that sells generic Viagra. This drug is mainly for men, particularly older men, who suffer from sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction. Viagra is a prescription medication that has a lot of side effects. The recommended dosage includes 25 mg all the way to 100 mg. Some of the side effects of taking too much Viagra include headache, flushing, upset stomach, abnormal vision, stuffy or runny nose, back pain, muscle pain, nausea, and back pain. Overall the drug serves a great purpose because it helps people maintain an erection for well over a few hours.

Unfortunately people cant buy their Viagra over the counter in Greece but they can do it in places like Cyprus.

How long has Viagra existed?

Overall this drug has been available for over 20 years in the market in Greece. Sometimes it is really not good to take medication because it can mask an underlying issue as to why the Viagra is being taken. Men usually have issues with sexual performance because they are not healthy and such and they do not know how to take care of their bodies. They really do not know what is going on when they are in bed and they are having issues with their penis. In a sense, a natural way to cure impotence and not rely on medication is by having a balanced diet and good exercise. This drug was approved in Greece in 1998 and was even recognized for having great effects like lowering blood pressure. Lately, in the past couple of years, there has been a debate to talk about the benefits of buying Viagra over the counter from a pharmacy.

Who suffers from ED the most?

There have been a lot of older men who prefer this type of medication because it helps them immensely in bed. Facts show that now many older guys are affected by erectile dysfunction but, only around 10%. Thankfully, there are many alternatives to Viagra as well and there is even Sildenafil sold by itself. This drug was developed by Pfizer in 1989 and has been in the market ever since. It was mainly created for blood pressure and angina. Unfortunately, this was given around three times a day during the clinical trials and it had muscle aches for some of the patients too. These people noticed that there having strange drops in their blood pressure and there was an unsafe mix with nitrates that occurred as well. It was safe to say that these clinical trials were not very positive. If you’re looking options and is nearby, you can opt to try and look up los angeles ed doctor for viable options.

How Viagra works

Viagra usually works by binding to an enzyme called phosphodiesterase. This then affects arteries and creates a buildup up triphosphate. This makes the arteries bigger and allows more blood flow into the penis. The male still needs to be aroused and have some sort of sexual stimulation to achieve the desired erection. You can add Viagra to the water of cut flowers to make them last longer as well. Viagra can be bought from online auction sites, internet pharmacies, and brick and mortar stores. There is mostly fake Viagra being sold and they can have too much Viagra or no Viagra at all. The counterfeit drugs have blue printer ink in them to make them look like a regular drug. The best way to avoid this is by having a doctor or pharmacist fill your script in-store.

Where to find Viagra in Greece?

Viagra is supplied in packs of four and it only comes in a solid tablet. If it comes in another form, it is going to be fake. Patients can expect to pay well of $80 per packet if they buy it over the internet according to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This is honesty a great drug that serves its purpose in any sort of society. I think that people should use it but they should focus on not relying on it to achieve sexual pleasure with their partner.

I think that there is going to be a price drop in Viagra within the next few years because people are finding other natural ways to help themselves. 

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