Senate Moves to Prevent Trump from Firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller

On Thursday, the rogue special counsel moved one step closer to the objective of ginning up “evidence” that would lead to President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

Robert Mueller impaneled a Washington grand jury as the anti-Trump witch hunt moves closer to indictments of Trump associates and a basketful of bullshit that will finally stick to the man who is universally hated by the establishment.

The fake news media and Congress will do the rest.

The Senate is already making its move.

Trump has been blocked from making recess appointments and Lindsey Graham of all people is at the tip of the spear putting together legislation that will prevent Trump from firing Mueller who has become much like the Terminator. He won’t ever stop.

Reuters is reporting “Senators propose legislation to protect special counsel from Trump”:

Republican and Democratic senators introduced two pieces of legislation on Thursday seeking to block President Donald Trump from firing the special counsel probing his ties to Russia, as Congress increasingly seeks to assert its authority on policy.

Members of Congress from both parties have expressed concern that Trump might dismiss Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to determine whether there was collusion between his 2016 presidential campaign and Moscow.

The Republican president on May 9 fired FBI Director James Comey, who was overseeing the investigation. He also recently criticized his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, for recusing himself from the probe.

With signs that Mueller’s investigation is intensifying, members of Congress sought to protect the special counsel, who was appointed on May 17. Two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters on Thursday that Mueller had convened a grand jury in Washington to investigate the allegations of Russian meddling.

The sources added that grand jury subpoenas had been issued in connection with a June 2016 meeting involving Trump’s son, his son-in-law and a Russian lawyer.

Moscow has denied any effort to influence the election, and Trump has disputed any allegations of collusion between his associates and Russia.

“Our bill allows judicial review of any decision to terminate a counsel to make sure it’s done for the reasons cited in the regulations rather than political motivation,” said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who co-sponsored one of the bills with Democratic Senator Cory Booker.

Joining Graham is Obama V 2.0, Cory Booker whose motivations in protecting Mueller are personal. Like clearing the field of the biggest Republican impediment to his dream of getting elected president in 2020.

Graham is like his cohort John McCain a bit of a mystery in that the two of them continue to wield power far more than what would normally be the case for U.S. Senators.

The longer that this continues, the more one suspects that a number of members of Congress but specifically the dynamic duo, are fully vested members of the Deep State.

A bill to protect Mueller will have the same near unanimous, veto-proof majority that the Russian sanctions bill did and then Trump will have become neutered.

There is a very small window of opportunity to get rid of Mueller and the POTUS had better act on it before its sealed shut by Graham, Booker and the rest of the anti-Trump opposition in the Senate.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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  1. These entrenched deep-staters are continuing the work of Obama, the division of the country. Once achieved it will be anarchy and all-out civil war.

  2. Round and round it goes…where it stops so are worried it could be at their door……President has not indicated any intentions of ‘firing’ Mueller… period! He has on numerous occasions ‘hoped’ for honesty over all and that the investigation was to find ONLY the Russian connection to the elections and if it went into his previous financials or his families that would be another matter…a very serious one.

    It’s not just the Democrats that are in the ‘deep state’ there are a number of Republican that are equally
    ANIO”S (Americans in name only) that are entrenched in SELF-SERVICE ! “We the people” need to have our own investigation and dig deep, super deep into any candidate new or entrenched. 2018 is approaching !! Don’t hesitate to share any “factual’ discoveries across state lines

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