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Prayer v. Marxism

The Blue State Conservative

I admit being involved in prayer chains, whether begun at church or through an email or via Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. Prayer is very powerful, but some people who really need it don’t have access to it.

That idea of a higher power, above the government, above a king, is the real beginning of our nation. It’s the core reason Marxism hates religion: no person is subordinate in the eyes of God, and government can take a back seat to His great power and glory.

An example of Marxism/communism/socialism, according to Nina Shea, the Director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom…

Today, in the CCP, the Communist People’s Republic of China, pictures of the Virgin Mary are being replaced with portraits of Xi Jinping. Half of all the 98 dioceses in China don’t have bishops because they have to be approved of by the CCP.

Homilies are based on Xi sayings, one of hundreds of new rules agreed to by the papacy. This melding of faith with CCP rules under threat of eradication of the church should be met with outrage.

Priests are being detained, tortured through sleep deprivation, and some are never heard from again… for “unauthorized prayer.”

The CCP is retranslating the Bible. That’s bad enough, but ask the Uighur Muslims what they think about the retranslation of the Korn. Well, you can’t, because they are being enslaved by the hundreds of thousands, enslaved and forced to perform uncompensated labor, and their family size is being, uh, regulated.

The values of Marxism, socialism, and communism will likely prevail in China.

In April 2020, according to Shea, in the Anhui Province in China, a cross was torn down from Our Lady of the Rosary Church with the cooperation of the local priest who feared that his church would be closed and used as a secular facility, which it appears to be now, anyway.

Courage or cowardice? I will give that priest the benefit of the doubt. The gun is pointed at his head, not mine. The point is faith, and that outward manifestations are important. Like prayer.

But the papacy shouldn’t get a pass. It approved of all of this.

And neither does the US bishopric, especially Wilton Gregory of Washington, DC, who urged his priests to go full Marxist and embrace the BLM group – not the sentiment Black Lives Matter, of course they do, all black lives matter, but the group itself, which is questionable.

Not much courage there, Bishop Gregory. You are afraid.

Father James Altman, a pastor in Wisconsin, had a ten-minute viral video recently where he said some pretty stern stuff, and Wilton Gregory was in his line of sight, as were Catholics who support or ignore abortion. But that’s a topic better said by Father James, not me.

Politics, according to Father James, should be a moral enterprise and the church has an obligation to speak out. The bishopric is guilty of not speaking the truth historically, guilty of squelching the truth as we well know, and masquerading as faithful stewards. The pope and Gregory rip into politicians, stuffing climate change into our morality while turning a blind eye to a million abortions a year, mostly people of color. All Black Lives Matter.

Father James uses a striking image to make his point. Jesus said that people can choose Him or the wide road to perdition. At the gates of heaven, says Father James, there will be 60 million aborted babies blocking not the desperate women with no support or no perceived recourse from the gates, but the false bishopric and the false Catholic politicians and leaders who do not condemn the morality of abortion (forget the legality) who speak of equivalence between childbirth and partial-birth abortion.

These false leaders will pay a moral price.

Prayer doesn’t solve everything, but it makes the rough spots tolerable. I think God listens to the whispers of one child before all others, even social media network prayer chains, but that child has to learn there is a higher power.

Some children never get to speak, or pray, for themselves.

Kevin Horgan is an author, retired attorney and Marine. His work can be found on his blog Our Culture Inchoate, and his books, including his most recent novel A Face on the Flag, are available at Amazon.

This article was originally published by Our Culture Inchoate on 9/11/20.

Photo by Doug Maloney on Unsplash

Content syndicated from TheBlueStateConservative.com with permission.

Kevin Horgan

Kevin Horgan is an author, retired attorney and Marine. His work can be found on his blog Our Culture Inchoate, and his books, including his most recent novel A Face on the Flag, are available at Amazon.

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