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Featuring a KKK Pic to Promote It, FSU Creates ‘History of Karen: Weaponizing White Womanhood’

Democrats continue to live up to the phrase, “Racists be racial.” In this edition, American public universities have reduced themselves to the status of “no-longer-hallowed halls of academia,” as Florida State University just announced a new class. This new offering will “examine the ‘weaponizing’ of white womanhood.” Campus Reform has reported the class will cover “the history of Karen.”

The flyer detailing the class leaves little doubt about its intent of which education is nowhere on the list. The flyer includes a pic of a hooded Klansmen on the cover. Nice touch, don’t you think?

The paragraph above the KKK image is a quote from race-hustler race-baiting extraordinaire, New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow, who last made national headlines by suggesting a cartoon French skunk — the baneful Pepe Le Pew — has for decades been programming America’s young boys to grow up and become raging misogynistic rapists.

“The activation of white terror is a white woman’s soft power. We like to masculinize white supremacy, to presume it reeks of testosterone, when in fact, it is just as likely to be spritzed by perfume.”

Campus Reform further details the reports:

The course advertises a syllabus of books including Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall, Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly [White] Womanby Anne Helen Peterson, and Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist DiscoversHer Superpower by Brittney Cooper.

Campus Reform previously reported on Cooper after she said “F**k each and every Trump supporter.” Sounds like a charming woman.

The course is slated to be taught by Megan Martinez. According to her profile, “she primarily researches the history of racial violence and racial inequality in the US and its legacies.”

Martinez sat for an interview with “Hershee Love” in July 2020, during which she told the “aspiring journalist” about her upcoming “History of Karen” class.

Hershee Love on Twitter: “In honor of the removal of the Eppes statue check out my latest sneak peek of my next interview with FSU professor Dr. Martinez who will be talking to me about her new class “The History of Karen”. pic.twitter.com/yAePfhGPER / Twitter”

In honor of the removal of the Eppes statue check out my latest sneak peek of my next interview with FSU professor Dr. Martinez who will be talking to me about her new class “The History of Karen”. pic.twitter.com/yAePfhGPER

Unsurprisingly, neither Florida State nor Megan Martinez responded to the request for comment by Campus Reform. Further, I wondered if FSU and Martinez will develop a class entitled either “The History of Louis Farrakhan” or “The History of Malik Zulu Shabazz”?

Or maybe two classes: 101 and 102.

Should Martinez refuse to teach these classes, perhaps MSNBC’s race-obsessed clown-car driver, Joe Reid, could take a leave of absence from her daily journlisming attempts that somehow manage to always become a steaming pile of racist crap. Crap spewed on MSNBC on a daily basis and “play for the other team” for a change. You know, just for kicks and giggles.

If you are a Florida State University graduate or an alumnus of a school following suit, you can visit the following website to take the active and necessary steps to divest from these schools by clicking at this Turning Point USA initiative! These schools can no longer continue to thrive on donated dollars while receiving state funding to impart bigotry and racism.

Content syndicated from TheLibertyLoft.com with permission.

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One Comment

  1. Want to see racism? Access theroot.com. Bigoted, extremist anti- white garbage site. Where is the deplatforming of that garbage?

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