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Tweets Emerge Showing Kamala Harris Was a Fan of Now Canceled Dr. Seuss

Last week, the woke Left took on Dr. Seuss and the beloved children’s book icon became the latest victim of the cancel culture. Most said that the books were canceled, while the publisher has argued that the books were simply recalled. Either way, the books are being pulled from circulation over their “racism.”

One person who has been outspoken in support of the cancel culture and the war against “hate” and “racism” is Vice President Kamala Harris. New tweets have emerged that Kamala Harris has supported the Dr. Seuss book franchise, as recently as 2017.

In the tweet, Harris wished Dr. Seuss a happy birthday and quoted a famous line.

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Happy birthday, #DrSeuss! “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

So if Harris is supporting Dr. Seuss, doesn’t that mean she is promoting racism and hate? If Harris is speaking out in support of the books, wouldn’t that mean there should be the same outrage at Harris as there have been others who have said the move to cancel Dr. Seuss is ridiculous?

The Left attacked Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) who took to his Twitter to read Green Eggs & Ham. Others have spoken about how conservatives have chosen to read these books on the floor of the Senate in recent years showing their hatred and “racism.”

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Ya know who likes #DrSeuss even more than @GOPLeader?The executors of his estate-The people in charge of managing his library & legacy post-mortem & they chose not to publish a few old booksThe @GOPLeader isn’t reading a kids book. He’s pushing a lie to deepen a cultural divide

But if they are racist, then Kamala Harris is as well. If they deserve to be canceled, then so does Kamala Harris. But you will not hear that from anyone on the political left. We are all waiting on the woke to start the cries for Kamala to resign her position. We are all waiting on them to say she is not qualified to be in her position because she promoted a hurtful, racist, and hate-filled children’s book.

Do you see the irony here? The woke have no desire to remove Kamala from her position, just like they all realize the ridiculous cries of their “cancel Dr. Seuss” movement. The books are not racist, hurtful, or harmful, but rather children’s books. Children’s books that depict stories of characters that may be funny looking, different, and from a variety of backgrounds.

This is not a moral decision, as the publisher has claimed. This is a political agenda and a radical movement that is continuing to destroy the foundations of society. This is not about a children’s book, racism, hate, or anything of the sort. This is about a movement to radically change our country.

Content syndicated from with permission.

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