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Maybe Al Gore Can Explain To The Dead Bodies In Paris How Global Warming Is A Greater Threat Than Terrorism

So here’s our beloved Al Gore, broadcasting his Eiffel Tower Climate Telethon, which was concocted to warn the world of the threat to life on earth from the proven lie of Global warming/Climate change, while a few blocks away from the Eiffel Tower ISIS terrorists were killing dozens of innocent people who were just trying to dine out, relax and enjoy themselves and not have to listen to Gore’s worn out warming crap about the world being destroyed by the very likes of Al Gore, who lives in a mansion, is chauffeured from place-to-place in a limousine and flies around the world on a private jet.

The death toll in Paris was caused in part by radical leftists like Al Gore and Barack Obama, who insist that Muslims present no threat to civilization, that in fact Christianity has been more dangerous and violent than Islam, and that we should allow more of the invading Syrian “refugees” into America and Europe to better demonstrate our compassion, but that global warming will assuredly kill us all if we don’t give up the things that have made us free and prosperous.  I hope it’s being made obvious to these leftist radical politicians that the lie of global warming had better start heating up soon or the terrorists that our dear leaders seem to favor will have killed us all before their touted warming can have any impact, even the miniscule impact they predict will happen in 50 years.

Poor ole Al. If it’s not terrorists proving how wrong his comparative threat levels are, it’s a snowfall in Florida or a blizzard in October casting a cooling pall on one of his warming events. The real world seems to have no impact nor make any impression on these lying politicians. But people suffer and die, as we saw yesterday in Paris, when our leaders stop paying attention to actual threats and try pushing their radical agenda down the throats of the gullible citizens who trust and depend on them.

Even though France has been on maximum high alert since the Charlie Hebdo terrorist murders in Paris in January of this year, it seems that French President Francois Hollande let his attention be diverted, because he and other leftists from around the world have been planning and salivating the United Nations Climate Summit to be held later this month in Paris, where they will establish a “Climate Justice” court where they can punish “climate criminals” like the energy producers who allow us to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and the evil manufacturers who give us the products that allow us to live pleasant, safer lives, and fine these nasty “climate criminal” corporations billions of dollars so the North Korean and Ethiopian dictators can finally have some “economic justice” and give their citizens the things that have been deprived them by the evil, selfish western powers (meaning the United States is the principle cause of third-world suffering and poverty and not the anti-capitalist dictators who have kept these and other poverty-stricken nations in the desperate condition they find themselves) .

When leaders take their eyes off the real threats to their nations and their citizens and concentrate on their pet social and economic projects, people suffer and die.  I hope Paris awakens our sleepy Obama and the idiot Gore to the actual, as opposed to their theoretical, dangers in the world.  And, just in case you hadn’t heard, only yesterday Obama stated that ISIS is not getting stronger but that they have been “contained”. In my mind Paris proves how out-of-touch and dangerous Obama is.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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  1. It’s a relief to read the truth! I was feeling depressed and frustrated, most of the mainstream media is just hopeless-so I am relieved to find place where people can actually think.

  2. Way to use France’s tragedy to forward your conservative agenda. Shame on you and your lack of decency. There’s no truth in this column only tired rhetoric.

    1. Conservatives don’t have an agenda, fool! Conservatives, by definition, want things to remain the same!!!

      YOU think in terms of “agenda” because it is YOU with an agenda. Therefore YOU project your malfeasants upon those who wish only to REMAIN free!

      You place your “faith” blindly in the LIES that you’ve been TOLD that you believe! When someone observes the facts for what they are it is YOUR agenda that becomes apparent! But if you really understood what they were telling you, you would realize what a fool you have been!

      But I’m certain you are simply too stupid and drunk on your false beliefs to even begin to understand these simple word!

      What would I give to watch ISIS lop off your head? Even my own – Just to see the epiphany of your foolishness on your face before you die!!!!

      To other readers – if my words offend you, well, realize there is no more time to be “nice” about any of this. I for one am at war!

  3. In reply to Dan’s comment, there are none so blind as those that will not see and none so deaf as those that will not listen. Denying that terrorism exist is not going to stop the terrorist, it only encourages them to continue their evil deeds. Political correctness and stupidity work hand in hand in the labor of destroying freedom, and they are the allies of the terrorist.

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