OpinionWorld News

Obama’s Reset World

According to Yevgeny Fyodorov, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Russian State Duma, the U.S. is slowly but surely losing unchallenged global economic and political power.

Fyodorov said that: “… but in reality it is the key event in today’s global scenario. With the onset of the global economic crisis, with political and economic turbulence, the APEC is a key event in terms of the demonstration of new vectors of unity of the international community outside the United States.

It is clear that it is not a split – everyone still plays by American rules, but the countries already demonstrate their independence in economic policy. I was there and saw how angry Mrs. Hillary Clinton was when she came from China, where several Chinese leaders – especially those who are to become top officials of China next year – did not even want to meet her. In China, Clinton was told no when she wanted to take on mediator’s functions in resolving China’s territorial disputes with Asian countries.

She also heard no in response to her requirement to set the yuan rate. It is an annual requirement of the United States to China to set the yuan rate for political reasons to pump resources and opportunities from China to the U.S. It is an additional form of tribute from China, which China had to deal with every year for political motives. Nowadays, the U.S. was refused. The world is changing.”

Welcome to the world after is has been reset by Barack Obama and his foreign policy initiatives.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking to replace the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency with regional currencies. Russia and China have already begun using this system and Putin is actively promoting the idea that other countries should follow along.

America’s enemies are seeking to reformat the world’s entire economic system.  They see the U.S. in the same light “progressive” politicians in America see the U.S.

America’s wealth comes at the expense of less successful countries. America did not build its success, somehow America stole it.

And if that is not enough, Russia sees the weakness of Obama’s America providing them the opportunity to form a world national liberation movement to “free the world from the U.S. occupation”.


Rest assured America, the Islamist world is not the only place where Obama’s foreign policy initiatives have resulted in disaster. What will happen if Obama is re-elected and is “more flexible” with Putin?

America needs an American President. The international/global/UN/brave new world approach is decidedly not working in America’s interests.


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