
Voter Fraud On Steroids

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You can vote your way into communism, but you must SHOOT your way out.

When Trump held his rallies there were tens of thousands attending in cold weather, rain, snow standing for hours to hear him. When Biden and Kamala held rallies they would get about 20 people out. Biden stayed his basement and hardly came out except for a few days before the election yet he got the majority of votes just by staying in his basement.

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Something smells fishy here. Something is uneasy in the air.

As with other tossup states where ambiguous results have clouded the election and ruined the possibility of a decisive, non-contested victory for either candidate, allegations of nefarious vote-fraud shenanigans were beginning to emerge.

In Glendale, Arizona for example, 18 stolen ballots were found under a rock, according to local authorities.

And now Democrats are pulling these tricks. Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported: -23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden -about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden

President Trump had a sizable lead in Wisconsin and Michigan but by morning Sleepy Joe somehow took the lead. Then, all of the sudden, Joe Biden jumped up 138,339 votes and gained the lead over President Trump.

So 200k people voted for Biden and ZERO for Trump? This is a fraud.

In Wisconsin, they discovered 125,000 more votes than were registered, voters. George Papadopoulos tweeted that there were 100,000 votes discovered all for Biden.  In Calif. It was announced on the radio that ballots for Trump were discovered with ink stains on them making them invalid and ballots for Trump were found in garbage cans. Postal workers were seen not delivering ballots and throwing ballots out.

The Supreme Court allowed a lower-court verdict to stand that allowed Pennsylvania to continue accepting mail-in ballots through Friday, regardless of whether signatures and postmarks were verifiable.

As soon as the evil Dems knew what numbers they needed, they sent their slimy greasy minions out to gather up all those boxes of completed ballots they had stored away. It’s easy for them. They’ve been refining their fraud tactics for decades and they’re very good at it. They had it planned out perfect Just as they had the virus planned out.

Poll watchers are supposed to watch the ballots as they are being counted and check for signatures and postmarks, but Dems put up rules that they have to be 100 feet away. You can’t check ballots by that. In Nevada, poll watchers are not allowed to watch counters and some 400,000 votes were processed without observation’

Trump lawyer Rudy  Guliani and Eric Trump went to Pennsylvania which is still in play to investigate and found tons of votes by dead people. Talk about a zombie apocalypse. Rudy and Trump are filing numerous lawsuits now, both state and federal, to litigate this massive voter fraud. Trump said they are taking critical legal action to protect the integrity of ballots in key states..

Many ballots were discovered without a postmark on them This is not a free and fair election,  but a continued assault on a duly elected president. Democrats today want raw power and love chaos. They pick and choose what rules they will obey.

When Trump was ahead in the results the networks didn’t call it. When Biden was ahead they called it right away. In Calif, they called the race for Biden right after the polls closed.

Poll watchers are supposed to watch the ballots as they are being counted and check for signatures and postmarks, but Dems put up rules that they have to be 100 feet away. You can’t check ballots like that. In Nevada, poll watchers are not allowed to watch counters and some 400,000 votes were processed without observation.

Trump’s popularity with minority groups increased so the left loved to accuse him of being racist. How does someone who is a racist do so many things for non-white people?

Ari Fleisher on Sean Hannity’s show tonite pointed out how Trump was doing great with minority groups too which angers the left. With the black vote McCain got 40% of the black vote, Romney got 6%, Trump got 8% his first time and now 12%.

With the Hispanic vote McCain got 31% Romney got 27% and Trump the first time got 28% and now 32%. Major support for Trump with minorities shows there is a broader political realignment widening.


I can’t see a weak, frail old man like Biden with cognitive issues or Kamala standing up to Putin in Russia, Che in China (which owns him) and Kim in North Korea like Trump does.

Under a Biden administration, there is talk he will put AOC in charge of environmental policies, Ilhan Omar in charge of immigration, and Elizabeth Warren s treasury secretary.  

Biden says he will only tax people who make $400,000 or more. These are the people who own large companies and are CEOs. When you tax them they lay off people so do the math. Trump lowered the business tax from 35% to 21% and all those companies who went overseas who Obama said were never coming back came back and hired people. By putting up the wall, that gave more job opportunities to our people here.

With Trump, the best is yet to come. Under Biden, the worst is yet to come

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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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