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Exodus from the National School Boards Association

Much to the despair of the Democrats and liberal activists, support for conservative causes and values has not waned since the election. This is despite cancel culture, censorship, and labels of “domestic terrorist” have been thrown around.

Perhaps the most notable venue for the growing public uproar is within the public school systems.

Parents have been paying attention. For the first time in possibly decades, parents are stepping back from smartphones, busy schedules, and carpool lanes to take a serious look at their children’s curriculums, the overt values of their teachers, and the political atmospheres within schools.

We’ve seen the culmination of their concerns in explosive school board meetings, where they voice concerns over inappropriate reading material, the absence of American patriotism, and the push for critical race theory and BLM support.

In many cases, they’ve been able to implement changes to their county’s policies and procedures. On larger stages, Democrats have claimed that parents should not have a role in their children’s education, effectively lighting a fire under parents everywhere as they double down on their support for school choice.

The message from parents is clear. Teachers, school boards, and the state do not own America’s children. As a metric of diminishing school board support, just look at the climbing number of states that have effectively distanced themselves from the National School Boards Association.

So far, 23 state school boards associations have made the move to distance themselves from the NSBA, with the New Hampshire School Boards Association being the most recent to formally withdraw their membership.

Education is clearly the hot topic of the moment, with much of the Virginia gubernatorial race hinging on the candidates’ views on public education. And with parents being the sleeping bear that Democrats poked, especially Terry McAuliffe, one can expect that the exodus from the NSBA will continue to snowball as more parents fight for roles on boards and others completely withdraw and embrace home education.

Content syndicated from TheLibertyLoft.com with permission.

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  2. We must FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE education funding in America. Democrats always talk about “for the children” and of course that’s just another democrat lie.
    Every parent willing to stay home and homeschool their child(ren), should be paid the equivalent of the average annual cost of education including a teacher’s salary for EACH child being homescooled. The funds for this would come directly from the Department of Education which would then deduct that amount from the funding for that State. If implimented, money that normally would empower the Teachers Union, would empower families- for the children!

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