US News

Poldex Debut in Camas-Washougal, WA Mayoral Race a Success

Poldex makes its debut in 2021 election with great success

While the CotoBuzz Journal’s political index (Poldex) has successfully been used for more than 10 years, we had reservations about using it in the Camas- Washougal area, because it’s mostly based on name recognition, as opposed to retail politics or face recognition
The Good 

We had already prepared a concession statement saying that Poldex has not been proven in retail politics. In retail politics, face recognition is introduced, injecting a good dose of subjectivity, as Dan Ariely’s research in behavioral economics demonstrates in the video below
Behavioral Economics Researcher Dan Ariley on Decision Making: Impact of retail politics

The Clark County Auditor’s Office first results of the 2021 election shows Camas City Council member Steve Hogan leading Camas Washougal Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jennifer Senescu by a 35% margin. Poldex had Mrs Senescu at 90-1. Certainly a significant gain, not enough

Jennifer Senescu Political Flier

In the Washougal race, we had City Parks board member at 10-1 against City council member Paul Greenlee.  The initial Clark County Auditor’s office shows Ms Ramos’ unsurmountable lead at 83%  and the late Derik Ford in second place at 13%

The Bad
In Camas, Mrs Senescu political flyer was spot on – Mr. Hogan, the Camas New Mayor to be does not seem to dislike any taxes – brace yourselves.. In Washougal, Ms Ramos demonstrated no leadership skills in confronting controversial issues.  Brace yourselves

The Ugly
When we unveiled Poldex in the Camas – Washougal area we said it was a race to the bottom:  Cant get any lower than this



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