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Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Variant Slams ‘Unwarranted Hype,’ Fear-Mongering

As the mainstream media in the United States hits the panic button on the marching orders of discredited scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci over the COVID Omicron variant, the doctor who actually detected the variant is denouncing both the hype and the panic.

National Chair of the South African Medical Association, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, discovered the variant on November 25th, 2021, from samples taken from a laboratory from November 14th to the 16th at South Africa’s National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD).

Coetzee told reporters that in one of the “biggest hospitals” in South Africa, there exists only one patient who is COVID-positive on ventilation, and there has been no confirmation that Omicron is the cause.

“The hype,” Coetzee says, “that’s been created currently out there in the media and worldwide doesn’t correlate with the clinical picture.” Coetzee went on to say that travel bans to and from South Africa are completely unwarranted.

Coetzee, who is also on the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, said, “Looking at the mildness of the symptoms we are seeing currently, there’s no reason for panicking as we don’t see severely ill patients.”

“I also checked with some of the hospitals in my area,” Coetzee continued, “and one of the biggest hospitals they only have one patient currently that’s COVID-positive on a ventilator, and they don’t even know whether it’s COVID — you know it’s Delta- or whether it is Omicron-related.”

Reports of the new variant have resulted in several European countries issuing travel bans on southern African countries. Friday, the United States and some Asian nations also banned travel from South Africa. 

Why This Is Important

The irresponsible reporting on this non-threatening variant of COVID is so over-the-top it warrants some creative legal minds to craft a lawsuit to stop it.

While the talking heads in the news media are quick to trumpet a new variant has been found, they – without fail – omit the fact that this variant is observed to be the mildest variant that has been detected. When the Delta is considered by comparison (and the Delta variant was a huge nothing), we simply must question the motives behind both the media hype and the reckless declarations by the Fauci, the CDC, and the White House.

In fact, a report out of the same South African country where the variant was discovered, Botswana, revealed that fully vaccinated patients were showing only mild symptoms after an Omicron diagnosis and non-vaccinated patients weren’t showing any clinical symptoms at all,

Monday, the Assistant Minister of Health & Wellness, Sethomo Lelatisitswe, testified during a parliament hearing that not one of the Omicron variant cases identified needs oxygen support and hospitalization.

The Minister continued on to say that of the 15 Omicron variant cases in Botswana, 3 of the patients showed mild symptoms while the rest did not, and of those 15 cases, 11 were vaccinated. The 4 unvaccinated patients did not show symptoms at all.

As of this writing, there has been only one Omicron variant case detected in the United States and that was a person in San Francisco who had recently traveled to South Africa. All of those tested who had contact with the person tested negative.

Meanwhile, the non-medically trained Federal Reserve Chairman, Jeremy Powell, shot his mouth off about Omicron, and the stock market got spooked, affecting people’s investments and overall wealth.

We have been lied to, at every turn, about the COVID issue. From its origins to Dr. Fauci’s involvement with its creation, to the usefulness of masks, to the denial of established science in acquiring herd immunity, the US federal government and its agencies – complicit with a media that is so devoid of intelligence and so committed to sensationalistic reporting – have deceived the American people and, in fact, have unnecessarily prolonged both the COVID event and the economic pain it has caused.

There can be no denying that the entirety of the COVID event has been an exercise in population control and political opportunism. Elections were won off the back of the “COVID crisis” and billions, if not trillions, were made by the usual suspects and the connected.

It is time to turn the page on this scam. It is time to embrace non-compliance. It is time for some of the more creative legal minds to sue these bastards into destitution – from those misinforming in the mainstream media and censoring in social media, to those lying in government and firing people for not being vaccinated in the private sector.

It is time we all refuse to be used any longer. We all should be royally pissed off.

Frank Salvato

You can read all of Mr. Salvato's news analysis at UndergroundUSA.comFrank Salvato is the executive partner at The CompassPoint Group, LLC. He is the host of The Underground and RightMinded podcasts as heard on iHeart Radio, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, and anywhere podcasts are heard. He is a national political writer for National File. His writing has been recognized by the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. His analysis has been published by The American Enterprise Institute, The Washington Times, and Accuracy in Media, and is nationally syndicated. Mr. Salvato appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is the author of six books examining internal and external threats facing our country. He can be heard twice weekly on “The Captain’s America: Third Watch” radio program syndicated nationally on the Salem Broadcasting Network and Genesis Communications affiliate stations.

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  1. The scum democrats and the pathetic liberals that blindly follow them will use any means necessary to force their experimental drug on the population.

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