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Ending The Filibuster Ends America: Biden Casts A Shadow of Tyranny

The Blue State Conservative

I make no apologies for saying “Joe Biden is a God damned ignorant, anti-American, red, radical, bastard and a self-made son-of-a-bitch, and the bunch leading him by the nose are worse”. He and his band of merry Marxists have pushed myself and most Americans past the point of exasperation, frustration, and anger with his outlandish and continued LIES, and on this afternoon of January 11th, 2022, as I heard him speak on voting rights from the Atlanta University Center Consortium on the grounds of Morehouse College in Atlanta, pounding his fist, it was just too much. He suggested he wasn’t offering hyperbole but fact, and it surely had to turn the stomachs of any freedom-loving conservative and independent to hear him suggest that Republicans were attempting to suppress voting rights, by using the filibuster to oppose the Freedom to Vote Act, when the 2020 election stands as a hard example that the real criminals are found in the Democratic Party, who are more than willing to violate the law to steal any and all elections.

The current Senate rules require a sixty-vote majority to advance most legislation, which is a threshold that the Senate Democrats cannot meet, since the current Senate is split at an even fifty Democrats and fifty Republicans, with Kamala Harris acting as a tie-breaker where applicable in some instances related to America’s economy and the U.S. budget. And rightfully so, all Republicans currently oppose Biden’s Freedom to Vote Act.

Although Biden’s and the Marxist/Maoists’ push to end the filibuster in order to be able to successfully pass the Freedom to Vote Act and many other items on their anti-American, communist wish list will more than likely fail due to the intelligence of a very few more conservative-leaning Democrats, such as Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, it is still angering that these communists are even trying to subvert the system in so egregious a manner.

On January 11th, Senator Manchin noted:

“We need some good rule changes to make the place work better but getting rid of the filibuster doesn’t make it work better.”

It’s a curious thing to note, but as recent as March 2021, Biden still supported the filibuster, just as he had throughout his Senate career, and during the year between 2019 and 2020, the filibuster was used 328  times, by the Democratic Party that was then in the minority, setting an all-time record high for the use of the filibuster.

During his speech, Biden declared:

“… as an institutionalist, I believe that the threat to our democracy is so grave that we must find a way to pass these voting rights bills, debate them, vote, let the majority prevail. And if that bare minimum is blocked, we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster for this.”

His logic fails to understand that a majority of Senators includes some from his own party, and if the current majority prevails, so too ends his attempt to end the filibuster.

Our Founding Fathers rejected the pure democracy and majority mob rule that Biden and Marx Inc currently seek, as one can clearly see through James Madison’s Federalist Paper Number 10, which is precisely why they created a constitutional republic that sought to ensure everybody’s Inalienable God-given Rights were protected, including any minority within America’s society.

Biden repeatedly brought up the January 6th 2021 riot at the Capitol Building, calling it an  “attempted coup” and a day when “a dagger was literally held at the throat of American democracy” , when most rational cogent-thinking Americans understand the only “attempted coup” was implemented and run by the red, radical Democratic Party communist rat bastards from 2016 through 2021.

As he wailed about so-called “insurrectionists” during the DC riot — largely incited by weaponized anti-Trump FBI agents and FBI informants and BLM infiltrators posing as Trump supporters — that lasted less than four hours, any conservative surely had to wonder: Has Biden’s dementia caused him to become so deluded he has totally forgotten that white Antifa communists and nihilists, Black Lives Matter Marxists and Muslims burned entire neighborhoods and cities from 2015 to the present? Has he forgotten what Black Lives Matter did to DC in 2017, even to the point of gutting historical church landmarks? Or has he simply fully surrendered to America’s enemies from within, Her traitors worthy of a traitor’s execution?

He brought up Jim Crow and the Suffrage Movement, as though blacks and women were still being prevented from voting, as he also invoked the name of John Lewis and the Civil Rights movement as if blacks were still being prevented from voting by white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan. I guess he forgot the time in recent history when the New Black Panthers tried to intimidate white voters in Philadelphia and Atlanta.

Whatever happened to Joe Biden “the uniter”?

Today, Biden and his criminal cronies are literally holding a dagger to the throat of America’s constitutional republic, because they wish to totally eradicate it, so they can have complete and total power. This is the reason they urgently want all elections in their hands and the hands of a massive centralized federal government, and they seek to complete this power grab through open voting without any identification of voters, non-citizen and Illegal Aliens voting, and UNVERIFIABLE mail-in ballots that are completely different from Absentee Ballots request by the individual entitled to use them, among other things.

And as sure as the sun rises and sets, one of the founders of Black Voters Matter, LaTosha Brown, was there the day before to demand federal legislation on the matter.

I could give a good damn what color anyone is when they vote in an election. All the votes of real Americans matter, regardless of color, just as long as they are U.S. citizens.

Anyone who currently thinks that Biden wants free, fair, and honest elections is deluded and fooling themselves and anyone they try to convince of this.

I’ve never liked Senator Mitch McConnell and I certainly have never trusted much of anything that comes out of his mouth, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, and Ol’ Mitch got it right when he stated:

“The president’s rant … yesterday was incoherent, incorrect and beneath his office. … repeatedly [invoking] the January 6th riot while himself using irresponsible, delegitimizing rhetoric that undermines our democracy [constitutional republic]. [Biden] compared American states to totalitarian states … So the world saw our commander-in-chief propagandize against his own country to a degree that would have made Pravda blush.” … McConnell added … “A president shouting that 52 senators and millions of Americans are racist unless he gets whatever he wants is proving exactly why the Framers built the Senate to check his power. This whole display is the best possible argument for preserving the Senate rules that extend deliberation, force bipartisan compromise, and let cooler heads prevail.”

Ken Blackwell, Chair of the AFPI’s Center for Election Integrity and a former Secretary of State of Ohio, framed the Democrats’ bill as The Freedom to Cheat Act, as he pointedly asked:

“Does it make sense to let the federal government run our state elections?” [Further noting] “After all, this is the same incompetent federal government that botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, leaving thousands of Americans stranded. It is the same federal government that has given us gas prices 82 percent higher than last year; leaves our borders open to drug cartels, human trafficking, and child smuggling; and it admits to being caught flatfooted on dealing with COVID-19 that it does not have enough tests, is denying therapeutics to American citizens, and has seen more deaths in 2021 than in 2020.”

I take it personally whenever someone or any group tries to do anything from within any government entity that removes the tiniest bit of my freedom and liberty, and the Freedom to Vote Act represents one more massive attempt to grab power for the Democrats, ensure that conservative Americans’ votes are neutralized and suppressed and a new law that will make voter fraud the new “law of the land”. If it were to somehow actually pass, conservative government would most assuredly disappear for the rest of the century, and that is something every freedom-loving American should take as a personal attack upon their persons, their property and their family.

“Keep the Faith” Ol’ Commie Joe says. One surely must wonder what faith he speaks of since his actions and statements are far removed from anything that even closely resembles the Christian Faith that founded America.

Make no mistake, my fellow conservative and independent Americans. If Biden and the Democratic Party ever get enough support to fulfill their desire to end the filibuster, every democratic mechanism within our republic will be eradicated, and the shadow of tyranny will reign supreme across the land. Rest assured that injustice for all opponents will be the rule of the day and America’s republic will lie on its deathbed, as a dark rule, full of despair and chaos, overtakes the land that once was a shining beacon of freedom and liberty, replacing it with an evil monstrosity that will have the Founders of this land we love so well rolling over in their graves and many fine patriots giving their very lives to stop the despots and tyrants.

Tyrannis mors. Sic Semper Tyrannis.

Featured photo is a screengrab from Fox News.

Content syndicated from TheBlueStateConservative.com with permission.

Justin O. Smith

Hailing from the Great State of Tennessee, Justin O. Smith is a patriotic American and regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative whose work has been published by American Thinker and The Rutherford Reader. He can be found on Gab, MeWe, and Clouthub.

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