GOP Establishment pushes Kasich’s ‘legalization’ in 100 days to voters

The GOP elite have chosen their two favorites – Rubio and Kasich. They aren’t putting all their eggs in one basket though. As long as Rubio and Kasich take enough delegates from Trump to cause a contested/brokered convention. all is good. It’s no wonder I’ve been unaffiliated for so long….

Kasich’s position is his own. He’s doubling-down on the idea that making the illegals here now legal is the way to stop more … from .. coming … wait… what?  Ok, so he’s not making any sense, but what did we expect from a Garry Shandling look-alike?

Legalization is not a core GOP issue. Heck, it’s not even a fringe Republican issue, but hey.. that won’t stop the elites from putting Romney up in the state in Ohio to push Kasich and his ill-thought platform.

Mitt Romney will campaign with John Kasich Monday at two stops in Ohio, NBC News has learned from a source familiar with the plans.

We want lower taxes, less government, reduced debt and increased privacy. We want our constitution and we want in NOW! Notice that legalizing the unlawful isn’t in there…

Kasich is polling in single-digits and has no chance to win much of anything – including his own state. Are the Republican party leaders ready to throw away yet another election? They’ve been less than stellar in recent years…

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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