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U.N. to recognize Palestinian state despite Western opposition

United NationsThe Palestinian State is set to be implicitly recognized by the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday despite threats by the U.S. and Israel to hold back assistance to the Palestinian Authority.

Similar to the Kosovo, Taiwan and Vatacan City, the Palestinian State would be re-classified as a non-member observer state. Formerly, the Palestinian State was only recognized as an “entity”. The new classification will grant the West Bank government access to international criminal court and other international bodies.

The Palestinians unsuccessfully sought full recognition as a U.N. Member State last year mainly due to U.S. and Israeli opposition. The current effort will succeed despite threats from those same nations. Both the U.S. State department and Israel have warned that they would reduce economic assistance to the Palestinian Authority should they seek recognition by the U.N.

The United States and Israel oppose the U.N. move as they believe it will undermine the peace process. On Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that “The path to a two-state solution that fulfills the aspirations of the Palestinian people is through Jerusalem and Ramallah, not New York.”

The Palestinians have reportedly been working with the EU and Arab states to replace the lost funding should they agree to the new classification.

The Resolution only needs a simple majority in the U.N. General Assembly, 130 votes, which they are likely to get. Germany, the Czech Republic being the only two nations other than the United States and Israel to announce that they would be voting against the resolution. Thirteen European countries have already voiced support.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Any elevation of status will only serve to escalate current behaviour. There is an inherent DISillusion of power on steriods that seems to accompany new found status..(hmph, one only has to look at our own White House for proof) While good old Hillary was trouted out as the big negoiator for Israel & Hamas we have learned that an ‘agreement’ had been reached 24 hours earlier…What consessions/promises were discussed we’ll never know for sure. All we have is the ‘official’ photographers silent picture as to what was said. Just another reason to check Webster’s definition of “transparency”, ’cause it sure isn’t you Daddy’s…Notice that Hillary said “a path to Palistinian’s aspirations” nary a word about our best friend Israel’s. I don’t recall who first said “So goes Israel, so goes the United States” this has never seemed so true as now. Palastine’s Hammas has been repeatedly & abundently clear what they intend to do to ALL Christians & Jews. Susan Rice will vote as instructed & no doubt is not privey to ‘deals’ made. IF a candidate for SS, she will require ‘only’ 6 Republican Senators approval. Make sure your Senator isn’t one of them.

    And Rich, you are wrong about ‘not many’ sharing your opinions…Most of our readers drink coffee, tea or Jack…anything but government supplied kool aid..thanks

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