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CNN+ Didn’t Even Make it to Its Own End Date

CNN+, CNN’s overhyped pay-to-watch streaming service, is ending itself even quicker than previously announced.

You know things are broken on the corporate side of things when even the execution gets moved up. CNN+ will cease streaming on April 28, according to an email sent do subscribers. That’s two days sooner than was previously announced.

CNN+ dead

The self-immolation date for the streamer had been announced as April 30th, but apparently Discovery, like most people, just didn’t see a reason to let it keep living – or because everyone’s subscriptions were about to renew and that would cause another box of headaches for the several-hundred-million dollar failure that CNN+ proved to be.

CNN+ at least has the courtesy to issue a full refund to the few that gave it a shot, but it may take a while to get your $3-$6 bucks back in April, according to a statement.

“CNN+ streaming will come to an end on April 28, 2022. If you purchased your subscription directly from us, we will be providing a full refund for your subscription fee back to your original CNN+ payment method by May 28, 2022. If you purchased your subscription via a third party, such as Apple, Google, Roku, or Amazon, that third party will process a full refund of your subscription fee in accordance with their respective refund policies and timelines. You can confirm the details of those refunds directly with the applicable third-party app store provider.”

For those of you unlucky enough to have given CNN+ a shot, hey, at least you got what you paid for.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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