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President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Sunday, January 27, 2019
President Donald Trump has no public events on his schedule for Sunday.
Keep up with Trump on President Trump’s Schedule Page.
President Trump’s schedule for 1/27/19
All Times EST
- No Public Events
White House Briefing Schedule
- None
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President Trump is the best President we have ever had in my lifetime. I am 72. I just think that perhaps we will never drain the swamp, because as someone said there is no drain.
I would like him to be more forceful with the DOJ and FBI both who report to him in that He constantly tweets about crooked Hillary, Well direct your AG or FBI director to reopen Hillary e-mails, lying to Congress, FBI and Clinton Foundation. Just tweeting displeasure is not good enough the swamp will not take action unless it is pushed or ordered to. By the wall, have no fear the wall will be built. Again the greatest President bringing Camelot back to the USA.