Former Dem Artur Davis Appeals to Indies and Mod Dems

By limiting coverage of the Conventions on television most of America sees only a few prime time speakers. It’s too bad, because there are many good convention speeches that aren’t covered.

One great example was seen Tuesday when former Democratic Congressman Artur Davis was welcomed to the Republican National Convention. While his crossover affiliation to the GOP has been a news story it has not been widely covered by the media.

The following is Davis’ speech to the RNC crowd which was really directed to those Independent and Moderate Democrats who are now feeling that the Hope and Change for which they voted in 2008 was not what they expected. The speech was enthusiastically applauded by conventioneers but  may appeal to others who haven’t spent this week glued to C-Span live coverage.

This particular video comes via Fox News. You can also share the C-Span clip for those who might better appreciate a more non-biased source: Artur Davis at RNC. It’s less than ten minutes and may convince some to come out and vote Republican in 2012.



Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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