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Uvalde Shooter Arrested FOUR Years Ago for Threatening to Shoot Up Schools

It appears the system failed the kids and teachers at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, because the shooter was arrested four years ago for threatening to do just what he has done.

Salvador Ramos, then 14 years old was arrested and placed in a juvenile detention center for telling people that he planned to ‘shoot up schools’ when he became a senior in 2022. Tragically, he made those threats into a reality.

Texas Rep. Tony Gonzalez said Friday that he had just been told of Ramos’ previous arrest.

“This wasn’t hearsay. I got this late last night: the shooter was arrested years ago, four years ago, for having this plan for basically saying, for saying, you know, when I’m a senior in 2022, I am going to shoot up a school,” Ramos said on Fox News. “If law enforcement, you know, identified him four years ago as a threat, we need to figure out why he wasn’t – you know, how he got removed from that.”

As the timeline of the shooting becomes more clear, it is evident that failing to recognize Ramos as a threat wasn’t the only failure that led to so many deaths.

Ramos spent 12 minutes shooting outside the school before entering the building through an unlocked door. Once Ramos got into the classroom where he shot the children and teachers, he was allowed to stay there for 40 minutes to an hour before law enforcement went in to take him down.

Outside the school, police spent their time arresting parents instead of taking Ramos down. The officers didn’t want to go into the school because “officers might get shot,” was the excuse a Department of Public safety official gave.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. This guy made the whole Fox News thing up, and said Ramos (who is the shooter) said it??? Makes no sense.

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