The Hypocrisy of Liberals Rears Its Head Again

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

When a Republican man speaks his mind concerning a Democrat woman, he is accused of personally attacking her.

However, when the left personally attacks a woman on the right, you never hear a peep.

Once again, we are seeing a case of the liberal’s double standard tactics at its finest!

One of the hottest topics in the news currently is the ongoing feud between Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Congressman Allen West, both from Florida.

Congressman West addressed the current issue with Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz via email, in which he copied other leaders in Congress:

From: Z112 West, Allen
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 04:48 PM
To: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie
Cc: McCarthy, Kevin; Blyth, Jonathan; Pelosi, Nancy; Cantor, Eric
Subject: Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman-Schultz

Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!

I am bringing your actions today to our Majority Leader and Majority Whip and from this time forward, understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior……which dates back to the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign hqs, October 2010 in Deerfield Beach.

You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!

Steadfast and Loyal

Congressman Allen B West (R-FL)

Allen West

In response, the head of the Congressional Black Caucus said that they are “furious” with the email he sent, and will be speaking with Congressman West.

Several female lawmakers held a news conference demanding that Congressman West apologize.

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, a Democrat from New York, said:

“His words were nothing more than personal attacks….it is “very ladylike to speak up for the values that you believe in.”

Congresswoman Maloney added that she hopes Speaker of the House John Boehner “disavows” Congressman West’s remarks.

Not to be outdone, Congresswoman Donna Edwards, another Democrat, said she was “shocked” by the “disgraceful” email sent by Congressman West. She also stated:

“Instead of engaging constructively in that debate, Representative West chose to resort to unprofessional, vitriolic and offensive personal attacks — shame on him.”

Where were all of these female lawmakers during the numerous personal attacks against Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann?  I have not heard a single one of them stand up and demand that apologies be given to either of these ladies, both of who have been on the receiving end of numerous personal attacks. I’ve never heard Congresswoman Maloney compliment either of these ladies with compliments for “speaking up for the values they believe in.”

Once again, the hypocrisy of the left is absolutely disgusting!



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One Comment

  1. Not surprisingly, you miss the point. Mr. West is a member of Congress. Congress is a deliberative body with rules that require a basic degree of civility. For there to be an act of “hypocrisy” – you would need to show a parallel example where a member of Congress used similar language directed at Rep. Bachmann such as: “You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives.” or suggesting Ms. Bachmann was a coward – and that was not acknowledged by liberals as being intemperate. Though I am familiar with Ms. Bachmann’s assertion that some liberal members of Congress may be “anti-American”, I am not aware of any such wildly intemperate remarks directed at Ms. Bachmann by a fellow member of Congress.

    Have citizens and writers said intemperate things about Bachmann? You bet. Not the same thing. Does Talk Radio spew vile and intemperate material about everyone on the planet with liberal political views 24/7? You bet. But that is not the same thing.

    1. Hmmm! “You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives.” So here we have it Barry. A Republican congressman is held to a “special” standard and his right to freedom of speech, a right everlastingly championed by liberals is denied him. Sounds damned hypocritical to me!

      Vile means obnoxious. Nothing uncivil about that. I find it to be an altogether accurate descriptive in this case. Unprofessional also fits the bill as an accurate descriptive for her conjured up protest at Mr. West’s office. I did not see where he ordered a similar action in return. He took the higher ground. Despicable I also find apropos as another descripitve regarding Ms. Wasserman-Schultz. I also find it quite revealing of HYPOCRISY that almost in unison the leading “usual suspect” female (and Iuse that term loosely) demonRATs, to a person all flaming feminist championing the cause of equality of treatment to men, have launched nothing short of the equivalent of a verbal diatribe of near lynch-mob mentality to assault Congressman West. And for what? For treating them as the equals they so yearn to be. We must ask ourselves what would they have done if Mr. West’s comment had been directed at say…Chuckie-boy Schumer? Obviously next to nothing if anything at all.

      You are rather obvious Barry by your attempt to shift the focus of this discussion. Here is your attempt at doing so:
      “For there to be an act of “hypocrisy” – you would need to show a parallel example where a member of Congress used similar language directed at Rep. Bachmann”
      Get real please! Hypocrisy is not defined by two different parties using the same term. That’s simply a self-serving setup for your totally inaccurate observational attempt to dodge THE TRUTH. HYPOCRISY could be defined by ONE party using a BEHAVIOR in diametric contradiction to their PAST BEHAVIOR. Hope that helps orient you. I noticed you listing badly to port (the left) and simply offered my assistance in order to get you back on what we call “even keel” in the Navy.

      You are …of course…, totally WRONG! May I remind you that the topic here is this…
      “The Hypocrisy of Liberals Rears Its Head Again”
      Nothing about being a member of congress as a sort of qualifier for discussion.
      Nothing about two members of congress exchanging barbs in the midst of the political season which is “business as usual”.

      Simply a stated factual observation. You and Ms. Wasserman-Schultz and all the other demonRATic hotheads
      may disagree with Mr. West’s opinion, but the last time I looked, neither the Law not our Constitution gave any of you a stated or implied power or legal authority to restrict or limit the right of free speech to a conservative black congressman whom you find an embarassment and offensive to your racial sensibilities. Hiding behind the misnomer charge of a lack of civility doesn’t get the job done friend. It is a fact that as people in general, regardless of color of skin, become more attuned to the shamefull record of Democrats in the past and demonRATs in the present in their dealing with black people as voting “target groups” to be used and abused for the power their vote begats, that some of the people will come to realize the wisdom in that old adage.
      You Can Fool Some of The People Some of the Time, but You Can’t Fool All of The People All of the Time.

      Of course that mere adage won’t stop the liberals from trying, but it is handy to have at hand to define their HYPOCRISY….once again.

      I have shown you why the charge of HYPOCRISY is accurate. Under the guise and pretense of a “special” standard of civility YOU IMPOSED, Mr.West’s right to freedom of speech and expression have been trampled on by you, as a liberal, and since liberals are the champion of individual rigts in America…, the charge of HYPOCRISY is accurate. You sir, are due a serious introspective discussion with… The Man in the Mirror.

      1. Gee Barry! No response? (Sorry, but I tend to follow-up on my comments) Funny thing is I wanted to ask you where you were back a scant year and few months back when this little demonRATic excretion of bile took place:

        I didn’t notice fellow Floridians rising up in horrfied anger at this vile and disrespectful display of a complete lack of civility BY ANY STANDARDS OF REASONED APPROACH….DID YOU?

          1. True. Unfortunately for us all the verbose and vitriolic minority of opinion in this country has their engine fueled by raw emotion and it chugs to a dead-stop when attempts to restart it with intellect and common sense are applied.

  2. This is old news, but I had to post it as it defines about as obviously as possible the abject hypocrisy of the liberal left.

    Enter stage left Dame Pelosi, currently Minority Speaker of the House, but always the idiot savant of demonRATic politics. She and others of her ilk have been vociferous supporters of the so-called doctrine of Separation of Church and State. Bear that in mind as you listen to and view this outlandish video from mid-2010 and pay especially close attention to what she wants the Catholic church to do.

    Was that not UNBELIEVABLE? So Pelosi is in actuality encouraging the Catholc Bishops to violate the Establishment Clause of our Constitution by telling the church to preach one political position of immigration reform over all others…huh!!! (HEADS-UP TO THE ACLU – Are you paying attention?)

    Can I get a lberal to defend her position? PLEASE!

      1. Excuse my delay in responding Allenah as I kept slipping trying to get back up and off the floor into my chair. I tumbled down about the time she suggested that “the word” directly equates to the making of “public policy”, a function of the Legislative Branch of government. She must have The Word she appears to be talking about confused with the word of The One. I wonder if she’ll be telling us soon that The Last Supper is the final meeting of the Obama cabinet!

        She was fairly accurate though in her last observation and given such…

  3. Communists think they have all rights and the rest of the world don’t. This entitlement to a license to practice all things with their own approval comes only from their most low human nature characteristics: selfishness, hate and pride.

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