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Who is Checking the Trash, the Shredder, Heck, Even the Ocean?


It has been nearly three months since the first batch of classified documents was uncovered in the Penn-Biden Center. When the Biden lawyers came upon the documents, and why the lawyers were there is a story unto itself, they did not notify the FBI or the DOJ. No, they called the National Archives, and they called the authorities. We have heard ad nauseam that the President takes the handling of Classified materials very seriously. If KJO uses that term more often, the American public may buy the concept. It is evident that Joe Biden disregards the idea of top-secret document control. How else can you explain him having documents from his time as a Senator? No Senator should ever have classified documents outside of a SCIF, let alone in his garage next to his Corvette.

Since the first week in November, four more sets of documents have been found. These docs were found in the Biden garage, home office, and the beach house. Some of these classified docs are at least 15 years old, which is how long Biden has been out of the Senate. We do not know what is on these papers, but we do know that it does not matter. If you have them, you have broken the law.

Over 1,500 boxes of materials from the Obama years are in storage at the University of Delaware for the Vice President Biden Library. Why have these not been investigated? Joe, his family, and any invited visitors have free reign of Biden’s properties while documents are still found. Where is the security here? How can we ever feel confident that documents are not being destroyed rather than turned over to authorities? We cannot.

We do not know how this will end, but we know that Biden’s plans for a re-election bid are deteriorating with each new discovery or press briefing. When KJP takes to the podium and avoids or deflects questions, Biden’s approval takes a hit. Nearly 70% of those polled believe that the White House is not handling this matter well. I think it is vintage Biden. He is averse to the truth and cannot accept accountability. The questions are getting more pointed daily., And the tone went dark today when Karine was asked if Joe Biden was involved in a cover-up. This situation has evolved from a Biden miscue to a potential criminal event. Not the story to build a campaign on for 2024.

The way the Democrats, politicians, and media supporters are lashing out at Biden is quite obvious. They must do this to distance themselves from a pending epicenter and preserve some semblance of credibility. Biden has been delaying his re-election announcement because he cannot catch a favorable day to declare. They may be best served by taking a break from the briefings. Some will claim they are hiding from the story, but if you march Karine Jean-Pierre to the podium not to answer questions, which is worse? This Doc-Gate also creates an eerie dark cloud that will take the wind out of the upcoming State of the Union.

There will also be questions about the untimely resignation of Chief of Staff Ron Klain. Is it a coincidence or tied to the growing scandal? You can be sure if Karine is asked, she will deflect.

Content syndicated from ConservatriveViewFromNH.com with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media.Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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