
Obama says his father served in WWII???

“My father served in WWII, and when he came home, he got the services he needed.”

Really? Obama’s website Organizing for America makes no mention of it.

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. His father, Barack Obama Sr., was born and raised in a small village in Kenya, where he grew up herding goats with his own father, who was a domestic servant to the British.

Barack’s mother, Ann Dunham, grew up in small-town Kansas. Her father worked on oil rigs during the Depression, and then signed up for World War II after Pearl Harbor, where he marched across Europe in Patton’s army. Her mother went to work on a bomber assembly line, and after the war, they studied on the G.I. Bill, bought a house through the Federal Housing Program, and moved west to Hawaii.

It was there, at the University of Hawaii, where Barack’s parents met. His mother was a student there, and his father had won a scholarship that allowed him to leave Kenya and pursue his dreams in America.

Barack’s father eventually returned to Kenya, and Barack grew up with his mother in Hawaii, and for a few years in Indonesia. Later, he moved to New York, where he graduated from Columbia University in 1983.

So Stanley Dunham, his maternal grandfather, served in WWII, but not his father, or stepfather Lolo Soetero, because of their dates of birth.

Congress.org Letter to Senators Jim Webb & Mark Warner:

Obama says his father served in World War II

Somebody doesn’t know how to do their math very well…

*Does he even know the difference between truth and fabrication?

*Now Barack’s father served in WW ll”
It must be true as Barack said it in a speech! Is he a compulsive liar? Were there no reporters who double checked these statements and called the party on this? They did for everyone else. Why not him? *Barack Hussein

Obama Sr. (Obama’s father)
*Born 4/4/36
Died 11/24/82 at the age of 46
He was 5 years old when WW 2 started, and less than 9.5 years old when it ended.

*Lolo Soetoro (Obama’s step father)
*Born 1935
Died 3/2/87 at the age of 52
He was 6 years old when WW 2 started, and 10 years old when it ended.
One of these guys must have been the youngest Veteran in the war.

Seeing how Obama wrote a book about his father, (Dreams from my Father) I don’t buy mistaken identity replacing his maternal grandfather for his father. This is just another one of his early lies.

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    1. Sorry, but people don’t just “slip up” on those kinds of things. I’m Catholic and never ONCE in my life, have I even come close to slipping up and said, “my Muslim faith”, ” my Jewish faith”, or ” my Episcopal faith”. That’s like slipping up and referring to yourself as a male, when you’re a female. Sorry, that just doesn’t happen. And Obama has slipped on on his age, if his parents were or were not married when he was born, his so called “religious denomination, that his dad fought in WW ll, when his dad was only 5 years old when WW ll started, and on and on and on. How stupid are people? Apparently, about half the US is really, REALLY stupid.

  1. As a WW2 vet and VFW member (they check you out), I’d have to see Stanley Ann’s dad’s discharge papers. I served with some communist GIs stateside, but none wanted to go (nor, indeed, went) overseas. One “liberal” GI told me the only reason he joined was that “we were on the USSR’s side.”

    It’s easy to say but hard to prove you served in the ETO. The USAF (USAAC in ’42-43) lost many records in a St Louis fire (to sprinklers, not flames). I have discharge papers but, at my age (87), I’d have trouble finding guys I served with — especially, to understate, those who were killed.

    As to Obama’s birth certificate and the mystery of why he waited so long to release it: Late in WW2 the Germans tried to corrupt UK money by forcing forgers in concentration camps to duplicate millions of British five-pound notes; the counterfeits (each worth $25 US) were undetectable and could have wreaked havoc with UK financials (on that score, Brits sheepishly admitted that VE-Day came just in time).

    Obama Democrats have access to many counterfeiters — the Federal Reserve note-printers, for openers. Forging a birth certificate (using typewriters, ink and paper of that early 60’s era) would have been child’s play. If you doubt me, google Dan Rather’s friend’s hurriedly executed forgeries involving George W Bush’s Texas guard service.

    See, time’s the problem. Germany waited too long and Rather had deadlines to meet. Obama has had two-plus years to prepare one phony document — okay, if phony it is.

    So the birth certificate may be legitimate, but the man has told so many lies that telling another about his birthplace could not have further soiled an already soiled reputation. Many people, like myself, have begun to question everything Obama says, because everything he says sounds like Soros.

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