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Fake Recruiting Outfit Posts Jobs for Paid Protesters at Trump Inauguration

An outfit courting protesters for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration this Friday is posting job ads in several cities with the stated goal of disrupting the event using protesters motivated by money.

Phoenix backpage ad Demand Protest against Trump

Ads are appearing on in Phoenix, San Diego, El Paso and several other cities offering $2500 per month plus $50 per hour to join “upcoming inauguration protests.”

The website’s ownership is a bit of a mystery and highly questionable.

While the site’s phone number includes a San Fransisco area code, the listed owning company Demand Protest, LLC is not registered in California.

Checking the domain’s ownership produces a privacy proxy as the owner:

Demand protest domain ownership information

The business privacy proxy, Contact Privacy, inc is a Canadian company, but no registration records for Demand Protest, LLC exist in Canada.

CDN also checked Deleware, Wyoming, and Nevada, the most-used states for LLC registration – still no records.

CDN has not been able to locate an incorporation filing for Demand Protest, LLC in the U.S. or Canada. None of our calls for comment have been returned. This is likely either a hoax or a straw company for something to come later.

*update 01-17-17 9:10pm*

On Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight on Tuesday, Demand Protest Los Angeles Director of Operations “Dom Tullipso” appeared and admitted that the operation was a hoax.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. The website design for Demand Protest is uncannily like that of Demand Media Studios, now Studio D, a Santa Monica company. Down to many of the tiny details. Demand Media ran into a LOT of problems two years ago, and could well be in the business of either web design for this outfit (or given the name similarity) actual procurement of protesters.

    1. Thanks for the heads-up. I checked into a possible link and wasn’t able to immediately find any. Honestly, Demand Protest looks like little more than a shell. I can’t get anyone to take a call (even a receptionist) much less make a comment. So far, just voicemail and website, anyone with an ad in their city should apply for a position. If one close enough to me shows up, I will.

  2. This was Andrew Bowser a performance artist called Bowservids on youtube. He said he was amazed at how easy it was to get on National TV and say anything and get people to believe it. He had a real good yank at everybody’s pud in the MSM.

  3. And every anarchist moron who answered said advertisements was greeted by the loving arms of the CIA. A marvelous action that would suck in carloads of this kind of moron!

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