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Sudden Jihad Syndrome’s Related Pathology

islamophobia-a-word-created-by-fascists-and-used-by-cowards-to-manipulate-moronsMost of us with a cable, newspaper or Internet subscription are familiar with the 21st Century’s global epidemic: Sudden Jihad Syndrome. First identified outside the laboratory by Daniel Pipes, the disease is typically confined to males.

There also appears to be a correlation with Islam, but that’s controversial.

Mainstream media practitioners usually apply the Sudden Jihad Syndrome diagnosis to quiet, younger men who keep to themselves and do a great deal of research on YouTube. Hobbies include building pipe bombs, going to the shooting range and collecting anhydrous ammonia.

The rest of us know we’re in a Sudden Jihad Syndrome outbreak when, for no particular reason, the young man yells Allahu Akbar and either starts shooting or explodes.

Now, in the wake of the Philadelphia attack on a police officer, I’ve identified a related pathology called Sudden Imam Syndrome. This occurs when a secular politician, typically a Democrat although weak–minded Republicans exhibit low resistance, assures us after an attack that the Moslem terrorist “had nothing to do with Islam.”

In Philly the shooter was captured on camera firing at Officer Jesse Hartnett 11 times, scoring three hits. At the news conference announcing the arrest, Police Commissioner Richard Ross said: “According to him, he believed that the police defend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the [Koran].”

Police Captain James Clark added the suspect “stated that he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that is the reason he was called upon to do this.”

Mayor Jim Kenney — in office all of four days, but learning fast — stepped up to the microphone and suddenly underwent a startling transformation. Imam Kenney assured us that in spite of what the shooter admitted, “In no way shape or form does anyone in this room believe that Islam or the teaching of Islam has anything to do with what you’ve seen on the screen.”

CAIR (Conceal All Islam Responsibility) seconded the mayor’s propaganda. Reuters reported “At this hour, it does not appear that he was an observant or mosque–going Muslim.”

As much as I respect the mayor’s reputation as an Islamic theologian, I’m going to have to lean toward the shooter’s explanation of his motive.

Reuters interviewed Jannah Abdulsalaam “who asked to be identified by her [Moslem] name.” (?!!!) She said the shooter was “’exceptionally knowledgeable’ about Islam. A neighbor said she saw him attend services at the local mosque “each Friday” and another acquaintance said the triggerman was quite familiar with Arabic before he signed up for classes at the mosque.

(Evidently CAIR was calling mosques in Philadelphia, MS a mistake anyone could make in the heat of the moment.)

Mayor Kenney appears to be the kind of cafeteria Catholic who can support a Democrat party that worships at the altar of abortion, while still claiming to be a Christian. So if Kenney’s so shaky on Christian doctrine, what gives him any credibility on the Koran?

Here we have an ISIS–pledging attacker wearing a dishdasha, screaming the traditional “Allahu Akbar” while trying to kill a cop and it “has nothing to do with Islam”? It’s like saying Japanese kamikaze pilots wearing a hackimaki headband had nothing to do with Bushido.

And where do these non–Arabic speaking instant imams gain the confidence to interpret Islam? I’m very familiar with pre–Christ Judaism, but I wouldn’t presume to tell a Jew where he’s gone wrong. Just as I wouldn’t tell a druid he’s worshiping the wrong shrub or a wiccan she’s mistaken grass clippings for sacred herbs. But both the mayor of Philadelphia and Sen. Bob Casey assure the nation there’s no Islam here.

But there is Islam here, just as there was in San Bernardino, Ft. Hood, 9/11 and the rest of the terror attacks. It’s commonality among these events that’s inescapable, yet the powers–that–be won’t acknowledge it.

The fact is a Christian who becomes confused about Christianity will often be seen supporting homosexual marriage or Joel Osteen, but when a Moslem gets confused about Islam the result frequently involves the coroner.

There is no hope for a reform of Islam unless Moslems admit there is something wrong and Islamic leadership unites to solve the problem. Relying on condescending practitioners of Sudden Imam Syndrome to deflect blame only serves to create more suspicion and distrust.

Michael R Shannon

Michael R. Shannon is a speaker and political commentator who has entertained audiences on four continents and a handful of islands. His dynamic, laugh–out–loud commentary on current events, politics, and culture has connected with audiences in a wide variety of settings including corporate meetings, association conferences, Christian fellowship, political gatherings, university seminars and award dinners.He is the author of "A Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with Added Humor!)" available at:

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