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Obama Gov’t: Eat Your Peas.

First Lady, Michelle Obama has a new book out, American Grown. The book is about her White House garden and including children in growing vegetables. She believes, as do many parents, that the more children are involved in shopping the better food choices they will make.

A closer look at two of the interviews Tuesday does raise an interesting question. Is Mrs. Obama using her platform as First Lady to push for additional government intervention into family diets? Is the private restaurant industry being intimidated to change its menu? Here are two clips, the first from Good Morning America and the second, only hours later on The View. You be the judge.

Michelle Obama ABC Interview (quote begins at 2:45)

“This isn’t about government telling people what to do,” she said. “What we know we need to do is give parents, communities and families the tools and information they need to make choices that are right for them. And there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.”

Contrast this statement to the interview on The View (quote begins at 2:39)

“We’re asking everybody to step up to the plate. We’ve seen grocery stores and manufacturers reformulate their product. We’ve seen restaurant chains change their kids’ menus. We’ve got a new nutrition, nutrition legislation passed in Congress. We’re going to see, the first changes in 30 years, the standards of school lunches. They’re going to be implemented this fall.”

No one argues that healthier menus at home and when dining out are good but are these changes being made due to consumer request or due to pressure from this administration? Even the First Lady seems to be conflicted.


Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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