Editorial Cartoons

Caught with EVERYTHING in the Cookie Jar

The Department of Justice is handling the Hunter Biden case exactly as they should if they are trying to protect the most corrupt political figure in American history. Hunter may get convicted, but Joe Biden will get off scot-free.

If you think Republicans in the House of Representatives are going to do anything substantive, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Commentary by Editor-in-Chief R. Mitchell. Editorial cartoon by Tom Stiglich (@TStig822).

Tom Stiglich

Starting at a young age Tom Stiglich fell in love with cartooning. This lifelong endeavor has landed Stiglich in the most prominent papers such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, TIME Magazine and more.

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One Comment

  1. If you don’t investigate anything then you can always claim that there is no evidence against Sleepy Joe. Despite the WH’s and main stream media’s claims that there is nothing to see, this isn’t going away. Start the impeachment process, get the information out, and see what happens.

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