I wrote a week ago about the marijuana farms that are popping up in Central Maine. More information has been uncovered and disclosed, and someone needs to explain how nearly 300 of these operations are producing pot that is hitting the streets of New England. The website, The Maine Wire, has been doing some great work uncovering this situation, and as they peel back the onion, it beckons you to shake your head in confusion and maybe a bit of fear. The people interviewed who have dealt with the Chinese Nationals who own these farms compare them to the Mafia. This is not the influence needed in Central Maine, where the towns are small, as are the law enforcement departments. Chinese foreign nationals are exploiting Maine’s lax marijuana laws, the Biden Administration’s immigration policies, and cheap real estate in rural Maine to grow a fortune using exploited illegal alien laborers.
When you read the facts involved, you wonder how a single “farm” gets the resources needed to operate. These locations do little to disguise their purpose, and these residential neighborhoods must be shocked and disgusted at the little legal support they see to restore their locales’ safety. The properties the Maine Wire has identified account for thousands of acres of land in rural Maine and tens of millions of dollars worth of real estate. Marijuana industry experts said a standard 2,500 square-foot house in Maine could, if adequately renovated into a marijuana grow, generate $1 million to $3 million in marijuana per year.
The first question is how 300 non-English-speaking Chinese Nationals purchased these properties for cash. Maine is the “whitest” state in the country. I only say that to indicate this is not a typical scenario of the Pine Tree State. One stipulation we need to make is the legality or illegality of these farms. Marijuana is still illegal on the Federal level but states like Maine have made it legal for medicinal and now recreational use. In less than ten years, revenue from pot makes it the third-biggest industry in the state. Facts presented by the Maine Wire indicate the bulk of the pot harvested in these sites is leaving the state. That action may make these operations very illegal.
The residential dwellings used are quickly modified after purchase. The electrical systems are upgraded to 300-400 Amp services. A typical home normally has 100-200 Amps delivered to the panel. Next, multiple heat pumps are installed to handle the specific climate conditions needed to grow the pot. Finally, all windows are either boarded up or obscured with opaque linings. These changes should make these homes easy to identify, even for casual people passing by.
This country was built on Capitalism and free enterprise, but not at the expense of safety for the communities that these businesses settle in. These entrepreneurs may be walking a fine line, which must be brought to everyone’s attention. We must ensure that local and state authorities do everything necessary to keep these businesses legal and safe for their neighbors. Homeland Security is aware of the situation and must vet these operators to guarantee they are here legally, abiding by all laws, and paying the appropriate fees and taxes. If these pot producers are allowed to operate, they best be held to the same standards and rules we all are.
This sordid saga is another example of Maine heading in the wrong direction due to poor leadership. This next round of elections is becoming vitally important for more reasons than assuring Joe Biden does not return to office for a second term. The direction of our beloved states hinges on the balance.
Content syndicated from ConservatriveViewFromNH.com with permission
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Good morning, and thank you for your article on the Chinese and pot shops in Maine. I have a strong suspicion we’re facing the same exact thing in Michigan. I’d be interested in how you came about that research, so that I might launch researcher in Michigan. I am a physician and I’m running for United States Senate. I can be reached at 269-449-5550 if someone would be interested in calling me back. Thank you so much God bless you Dr. Sherry O’Donnell.