Editorial Cartoons

Fauci The Grinch Who Stole Thanksgiving – Ben Garrison Cartoon

And The Grinch Even Took The Last Can Of WHO Hash

Dr. Fauci wants to prevent you and your family from gathering together at Thanksgiving. Gavin Newsom is eager to shut it down in California. The virus scam has encouraged a lot of political predators to show their tyrannical fangs all around the world. Take Australia, for example. A woman in a park was recently arrested there by ‘authorities’ because she didn’t properly observe social distancing.

The tyrants continue to drum up fear and they’re using it to shut us down. They will take away as much liberty as we let them take. In the case of the medical half-pint homunculus named Fauci, he’s a diminutive quack with a giant ambition—controlling everyone. He in turn is controlled by his globalist masters—especially the eugenicist Bill Gates.

How do we stop the medical despots and the swamp-dwelling control freak politicians from making endless mandates to control us? We must start resisting. Everyone needs to gather together for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Go to that Halloween party if you want. After all, masks will be worn.

The global elite are using our fear of death against us, but if we continue to cave into them, we may discover that the life they have in mind for us isn’t worth living.

—Ben Garrison 

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